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Crystals can help, usually you need to charge them with intent or get the crystal that relates to said chakra.
Its important to also dig into binural beats/meditative music and use them during meditation
Here is some things I personally meditated on that may also help.
1. God is everything imaginary and real, and also nothing whatsoever at the same time.
2. Fate and free will both exist. Karma and God balancing things alongside our choices and the love and forgiveness expressed throughout the universe allows for infinite movement forward.
3. Bad things happen to balance the universe, and can teach lessons as horrific as that may seem. Our expectations of peoples choices often leads to disappointment.
Luck is real and does exist, luck tends to behave with little karmic input. It is mainly controlled by the spirit Lady Luck, or Fortuna
She is a chaotic spirit, and works with Source as a hand of fate. Firstly you need to be willing to go with the flow a little, embracing chaos will allow you to move in time with her.
Secondly chaos is personal, creating a small ritual with something personal, (always hunting for four leaf clovers, always picking up pennies, always wearing a particular pair of underwear on one specific day out of one specific month)
Thirdly, luck is considered rare and part of belief. Finding rare, useless (yet meaningful) objects to you and believing that it will impart luck can help.
Bad luck is created through spirits causing misfortune, the same rituals or different personal rituals can be created to dispel them
Technically, there is a Universal Religion, it has been broken and spread across the globe by seperate tounges and slightly modified through disinformation.
Everyone has a few puzzle pieces, and everyone is both right and wrong. Most everything exists, and there are many beings/spirits who are worshipped as gods/seen as angels and demons and one Creator.
The arguing between the groups is actually pointless.
Enlightenment, Forgiveness, Love, Morality, Teaching
This is the true religion
You can be everything or/and nothing
When we have finished the process of learning
Whether you are finished or not
When the time is nigh
God will throw you from the nest
Like a baby bird
And you will fly
But only if you believe you can


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