12 days until Halloween

Thirteen Days of Halloween TFs 2: Day 2 Rat
Everyone knew the legend of the bridge street tunnel and the tales of all the missing people. In truth, there had been a large amount of disappearances over the years, especially on or around Halloween, but...

Thirteen Days of Halloween TFs 2: Day 2 Rat
Everyone knew the legend of the bridge street tunnel and the tales of all the missing people. In truth, there had been a large amount of disappearances over the years, especially on or around Halloween, but that didn’t stop the youths of the town from fooling around and staying out late come the end of October. This Halloween found a group of youths hanging out by the river, only a short walk from the infamous tunnel. Even from where the kids sat they could see the dark opening of the tunnel, it was partially obscured by overgrown bushes but it black interior looked ominous and intriguing at the same time. Nobody seemed to know exactly where the tunnel went, rumors said nobody had ever made it to the other side and came back, Ashley didn’t believe in such tales though.
Ashley was a tall and lean blonde with a generous pair of breasts, she was well liked and known for a streak of fierceness, nothing frightened Ashley, and no dare was too risky for her. It was these exact traits that lead to the group convincing her to be the “first” to actually reach the other side of the bridge street tunnel. Ashley laughed off reminders of all those who had gone missing and the supposed curse, it was nonsense.

The tunnel was wide but not very tall, Ashley was going to have to crawl to get through it, and she took off her jacket and shoes before crawling into the tunnel. The sides of the tunnel were dry, and a trickle of water ran down the wide bottom of the tunnel out of the darkness. The smell coming out of the hole was musty and dank, unpleasant but not unbearable. Ashley looked to the nearby entrance and flashed her trademark grin and gave the group a thumbs up before pushing forward.

The tunnel was pretty dark, the light of the entrance stretched down it’s length but only illuminated the walls well, the floor was darker than Ashley would have liked. She chided herself for not bringing a flashlight, but reasoned there wouldn’t be anything too dangerous other than… Her suspicions were immediately answered, the shadow of a rat on the wall next to her confirmed the presence of the creatures in the tunnel and she swore under her breath. Strangely the creature’s shadow remained motionless, not moving until Ashley pushed forward. She kept stopping and glancing over at the shadow as she crawled, but no matter how many times she looked back she couldn’t find the actual critter in the dim light of the tunnel.

At this point Ashley was getting eager to get out of the tunnel, she wasn’t afraid of the dark but her hands and feet hurt and her skin itched, her clothing felt like it was burning her and her back was oddly stiff. She glared at the shadow following her again and had to pause as a thought crossed her mind. She waited for a moment then lifted an arm, the shadow followed the motion, she turned her head, so did the rat, she backed up and the shadow did as well, either the rat was perfectly mimicking her movements or it was…

Her shadow?

She laughed at the stupid thought, it wasn’t like she had a tail or big round ears she laughed. Ashley reached up to brush her hair out of her face and felt something large and furry, a thin round shape where her ears should be. She gingerly felt the odd shape, it was hairy and warm, and she could feel it. Her breathe caught, it was her ears, she really did have big round ears!

In a moment of uncharacteristic panic she tried to stand and whacked her head on the shallow roof of the tunnel, the dim light of the dark hole fadded to complete blackness and the world drifted away.

It had been far too long, Ashley hadn’t returned from the tunnel and didn’t answer the calls that echoed down it’s length as her friends shouted for her. They were starting to get worried, maybe the rumors were true, maybe people really did go missing in the tunnel. While the group discussed what to do next they didn’t see Ashley slowly crawl out from the tunnel, she was covered in dirt and her clothes had been torn to tatters, barely clinging to her body.

“I think I hit my head in there, stings like hell… Couldn’t find the other side though, maybe it doesn’t go anywhere after all…” Ashley rubbed her sore head and walked over to get her jacket and shoes, unaware of her complete nudity or the fact that her body was covered in patches of dusky brown fur. Her friends looked in shock, Ashley had a tail, a thick hairy rat’s tail, and her face was pulled into a muzzle like shape that paired with her pink clawed hand and feet made her look anything but human. 


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