Thirteen Days of Halloween TFs 2: Day 4 Raven

Thirteen Days of Halloween TFs 2: Day 4 Raven
The fact that the road was abandoned and there was never another person on it was one of the reasons she loved to walk down it on the way home. It was just her and the calm seclusion of nature that had...

Thirteen Days of Halloween TFs 2: Day 4 Raven
The fact that the road was abandoned and there was never another person on it was one of the reasons she loved to walk down it on the way home. It was just her and the calm seclusion of nature that had over taken a few dilapidated houses. The only building still in semi decent condition was the old temple, either built from more sturdy of materials or maybe some monks still visited and attended to it rarely.
Normally this time of year was quite beautiful, but September had just sort of lingered on and even though October was at it’s end it was warm wet and mostly green still. The wet was the part that annoyed the dark haired girl mostly, the weather reports had said nothing of the sudden down pour and she had ducked into the entry way of the old temple to see if the storm would pass.

People had always said the temple was cursed and that nobody should ever go near it, especially on Halloween, but people worried about strange things, and there didn’t seem to be anything odd about the place save the abundance of ravens that seem to live there. They even were inside the temple and she couldn’t help but to laugh as she watched one sort of hop it’s way toward her. The bird slowly approached her and turned it’s head like it was regarding her.

“And how are you Mr. Crow?”

The bird cawed at her and then hopped forward again, now at her feet it pecked at he exposed toes through her sandals. She yelped and tried to shoo the bird away but it seemed determined to harass her and she eventually kicked out and sent the bird tumbling over a few feet. It lay on the ground for a moment before slowly getting, it’s feathers looked ruffled and she swore it looked angry. In fact, al the birds looked angry, she hadn’t realized just how many of them there were but they had surrounded her at some point.

She was about to brave the flash storm and run out into the rain rather than risk the ire of the murder of crows but she felt paralyzed with fear. The birds started cawing, slowly at first, then faster, and louder until it was a cacophony of sound that assaulted her ears and she fell to her knees. Her body trembled and she felt a sudden heat that burned her from the inside out. Feathers burst free of her skin as the skin of her legs hardened and became scaled. Her toes curled into sharp claws and her ears tapered into points. She screamed out a sound somewhere between a call for help and the cry of a raven.

Sometime later, she was unsure if hours or a day, the sun was shining and the area was clear of the strange birds. She lay on the cold floor of the temple breathing heavily and eventually pushed herself to a sitting position with a winged arm. She looked at the mass of shiny black feathers covering her arms and held them out, she still had hands but the were concealed behind her wing like arms. Feathers covered most of her body and her sandals had been torn to shreds by her talon like feet. As she looked her body over in disbelief she realized this was no Halloween costume, this was far too real, and she got the distinct impression that the job of guarding the temple had now fallen to her. 


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