In the heart of every one of us hides a warrior

In the heart of every one of us hides a warrior. A fighter who isn’t satisfied with may be’s and just because’s. a person who isn’t afraid of change and will stand up to any obstacles. A defender who will jump in whenever needed without thinking of his own. Wounded healer with a bandage around the head, half standing up, leaning on his own staff and even than still ready to fight. Fire burning in the heart as no one knows passion better than a warrior. For honor and dignity he will fight until the last drop of blood is shed and the last tear is cried. Surrounded by opponents attacked from every side but still standing and still strong for nothing will ever bend a true warrior not even death.


So many  afraid of those with fire burning in their eyes. Afraid of the passion inside, terrified of the furry within the light, petrified of having to face the truth. The sun shines for all no more and no less. Even if you spend all your lives hiding under a rock and attacking those who have no fear it wont make you any better. You will still be under a rock and still be a slave to your own emotions. Your live will be that of someone else and their decisions. In a dream you will see yourself as a free child on top a white horse and in reality you would be a tiny little person afraid of his own shadow. Illusion is what imprisons freedom, it pushes you mind into the unconscious when it should be the other way around.


So why are things always happening to the same people? Because they refuse to see themselves as they are. They create an illusory version of themselves because of fear of the self. They don’t want to be themselves. The true self is hidden so far they have no idea who it is. If you ask who are you? They wont know. they wont have any idea. It is sad to see one covered by darkness, hidden under materialism and lost all parts of what makes them human. Inside their dreams on a white horse in reality on a black one. With clouds covering their minds and not a clue of what a self is meant to be or what freedom is. Freedom is not being free it is feeling free. You can imprison someone take away everything they have and still they will be more free than you are with all the gold in your pockets. Hate them you will because they were, are and always will be better than you are. Not in what they can do but in who they can be.


Always looking for something else, always trying to be someone else, always looking for an answer to your misery in someone or something else. All the questions you have will never be answered by someone else I can guarantee you that. A need for someone else to show you the way shows how weak your heart is and shows a follower not a leader. Shows that one like this never will be a warrior for they fear the self. If you are afraid of your own self how can you even think of taking on anyone else.


Where are the answers? Deep inside the corners of your own mind and soul. You are the actor and director of your own play. You are a one man’s band. A light shining bright seen from lands far and wide. Wisdom ageless you all hold if you know where to look only. The reason of existence isn’t to be someone it is to just be. it isn’t to become something it is to experience the becoming of something.


A page will never be a knight if he doesn’t know who he is and the first thing one has to know is that fire that burns inside, that gives you strength to stand up and say no more. To not agree with injustice and to not accept dishonor of thy kin. On side I see a dreamer, Narcissus who doesn’t know if he is coming or going, who just knows how beautiful he is on the other side an angry warrior who had enough of running around the bush and has to hold his horse back. The decision taker has to take things in his own hands so the actor can stop pretending who they can be but just be. all of us are like this my friends. There is nothing that makes one human more than another human, only the experience is what divides them. The page is no different than the knight. Just the knight has the experience to know nothing will ever come from having illusions of greatness and not being able to proof your greatness.


Justice is wanted and asked for by millions yet the amount of those actually able to stand up for it can be counted on one hand. It is so easy to be a judge and executioner yet when the knife hits the bone all of you run like rabbits. Spooked of your own shadows and your own thoughts. Thinking injustice is also injustice for with your thoughts you create the world. Being dishonorable doesn’t always mean being verbally attacking, by being dishonest and telling lies you are as well dishonorable and I expect from all of you who swore to follow the code that you keep your word and defend it with your life. As to those unfamiliar with the code just listen to your heart and it will tell you what is wrong or right. We all know what wrong and right is, just some make a twisted version of it to fit their lies and end up believing in their lies. The fact you believe in your own fantasy’s doesn’t make it any less fantasy.


At some point of your lives all of you had to stop and recalculate your life. Stop and take a look at where you are and what you have to do now. It was a heavy period since you needed to stop and try to escape the chaos you were in. you were like a lose wild horse running in gallop. Surrounded by problems. So what did you do? You decided to not wait and just try solve them all at the same time. you tried being a warrior but one thing you forgot a warrior is wise and knows to pick his battles. He isn’t foolish as to attack a whole army by himself only armed with rocks and stones. He thinks before he acts and when he acts it is in the bull. He is the Sagittarius always shooting in the aim for a warrior knows to aim and shoot correctly. Never takes on more than he can chew.


So what happens now? All the problems you took have surrounded you and are covering you and blinding you. All you need to do is face them one by one. Stop running away from your problems by pretending you are great. You are not great. All you ever will be is yourself and that should be good enough for you. The fact you are here stuck in reincarnation for whatever reason you can think of is a prove who have lessons to learn. If you still have things to learn and to improve your gifts than you are not great. Yes many came here to help and many are here to support and guide but even the guides and teachers have lessons to learn. Only when you reach perfections and come to a point that you are unable to mingle with human affairs and unable to guide directly only than you will be great. Because the level of those here will trap you if you go down. You would be able to monitor and watch and indirectly give hints but you wont be here in the physical sense.


I would like to say to everyone stop thinking of who you were and who you might become. Be you, just you that’s all that you need. The person you have been creates who you are now. It is good to know some facts who help you with issues that you are experiencing but you don’t need to know every detail of your past. As to the future that depends only on the actions you take right now. You create your future so take a stand and create it like you want it not like everyone else think you should.


Be the king of the hill. Of your own hill. Of your life. Be peaceful and balanced enough not to be dragged along by drama and fierce and strong enough to not be pushed away from your path. There is always a choice. Two paths on every choice. Based on the choice you make the future is created. That is how you became the person you see today. If you are unhappy now than make a change. Rise and fight. Take the sward and say no, no more. You can crawl up and cry all day it wont make a difference you will still be in the whole you are now. Only when you defeat your own fear you will become worthy to be called a warrior.


You might find my words offensive, hurtful and even mean. So be it. yes I am hurtful but only because someone has to shake you all awake or you will never make a step forward. I have been hated by many and loved by many, human emotion is beneath me. I do not drive on emotion I drive on passion and honor. I can be as gentle as the moon and as fierce as the sun, loyal as the dog and deceitful as the cat. All of my actions are justified by one thing and one thing only. Honor.


You can ignore my words  if you like and many will but one day you will have to face your demons and you will be weak and will be sorry you didn’t listen and it too late.

I do not speak of anger or of vengeance, I speak out of love. For I only am trying to teach you a lesson in being yourself.


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