It's time to do your new moon prosperity checks.

3.jpg moon cycles image by lo2894

It's time to do your new moon prosperity checks.
Don't forget your law of attraction Abundance Check for this month. We're fast approaching another new moon and you don't want to miss out. And for those of you who don't know what this is all about, it's a check for abundance that you write to yourself each month - within 24 hours of the new moon.

You write your abundance check yourself, because it gives focus to your desire to manifest material abundance each month. A lot of people have done this, and each month they find their bills are being paid and their checking account has extra money in it.

Don't Have A Checking Account
However, some people don't have a checking account. If this is the case, you can always draw one or make one on the computer. You don't want to use someone else's check or a check from a closed account. Using your own check or the check you made sets your intention. And your intention is bringing prosperity and financial balance into your life.

One thing you have to remember is that you must reflect as much positive energy as you can. Writing abundance checks when you are already distressed or finacially challenged will cause the process to take longer. It will take time to change your negative feelings so they align with the positive energy needed in writing law of attraction "Abundance Checks".

So it goes without saying... if you DON'T want to pay your bills, writing your Abundance Check to pay them, is wasting your time.

Use The New Moon For All New Intentions
The New Moon can be used not only for writing your law of attraction Abundance Checks, but it can also be used to help focus your intentions on achieving your goals.


Get a copy of checks at New Moon Checks

When it comes to eliminating your debts however, you're looking at using a complex New Moon Intention. In order to do this, it will take some analysis and focus on your part. Which means you'll probably have to divide your wish list into smaller divisions.

In order to eliminate your debt, you first have to understand why and how you managed to get into debt before you can focus on making changes.

Once again, the steps are listed below on how to proceed with writing your Abundance Check.

1. Get a blank check.

2. In the "pay to the order of" space write YOUR full name.

3. On the "amount" line, write down an amount that feels abundant but also possible.

4. Make it an amount you can truly visualize yourself receiving over the next 30 days.

5. On the "memo" line write "paid in full" or "limitless abundance."

6. Sign the check with your name or write "Law of Abundance" in the signature area.

Now, if you feel good about the amount you've written on your check, the next step is visualizing how happy and grateful you are about receiving such a generous amount of money.

You know from doing your affirmations and visualizations how important it is for you to really believe this is all possible. That you can and will receive the amount written on your law of attraction "Abundance Check". Writing your check during the New Moon helps you attune to the possibility that it can happen - and happen quickly!

After you've finished, put your check away. You don't need to look at it all the time. As usual... your intentions of creating more abundance for yourself need to connect with the universe and give it a chance to manifest this desire for you.

I was asked what to do with the old checks from month to month, and the best way to dispose of them is to either burn or bury them in your yard. Don't ball up and throw away and don't shred your abundance check. This would be like tearing up and throwing your desires away. If you bury or burn the check, it symbolizes giving back to nature or releasing to the universe.

I was also asked what to do if this process didn't work for you, and I would have to say you should look at the amount you're trying to manifest into your life and determine if the amount is too large for your beliefs. You can't very well manifest one hundred million dollars if you don't have the resources to bring in that amount of money or you don't have a multi million dollar mindset.

You can only manifest what you believe you can! It is best to start small and go from there.

Good Abundance to you!

The Islamic calendar has retained an observational definition of the new moon, marking the new month when the first Crescent Moon is actually seen, and making it impossible to be certain in advance of when a specific month will begin (in particular, the exact date on which Ramadan will begin is not known in advance). In Saudi Arabia, if the weather is cloudy when the new moon is expected, observers are sent up in airplanes.

In Pakistan, there is a "Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee" consisting of Ulemas (Religious Scholars), which takes help from 150 Observatories of Pakistan Meteorological Department all over the country and announces the decision of sighting of new moon. In Iran a special committee receives observations of every new moon to determine the beginning of each month. This committee uses one hundred groups of observers.

The new moon is quite significant in Hindu calendar. It is believed that new moon can create several fluctuations(negative) in the mental plan. Goddess Kali is worshipped on new moon night to relax these fluctuations

The new moon is the beginning of the month in the Chinese calendar. Some Buddhist Chinese keep a vegetarian diet on the new moon and full moon each month.

The new moon signifies the start of every Jewish month, and is considered an important date and minor holiday in the Hebrew calendar. The modern form of the calendar is a rule-based lunisolar calendar, akin to the Chinese calendar, measuring months defined in lunar cycles as well as years measured in solar cycles, and distinct from the purely lunar Islamic calendar and the almost entirely solar Gregorian calendar.

The native messianic Pentecostal group, the New Israelites of Peru, keeps the new moon as a Sabbath of rest. As an evangelical church, it follows the Bible's teachings that God sanctified the seventh-day Sabbath, now largely known as Saturday, and the new moons in addition to it. See Ezekiel 46:1, 3. No work may be done from dusk until dusk, and the services run for 11 hours, although a large number spend 24 hours within the gates of the temples, sleeping and singing praises throughout the night.

The new moon is also an important event in Wicca.

The new moon is also important in astrology, as is the full moon.

A Time of Rebirth

The time each month in which the moon is dark and cannot be seen is known as the new moon. It's a period in direct contrast to the full moon. Although some Wiccans and Pagans consider this a good time to do magical workings, others believe it is a time in which the magical self should be rested and rejuvenated.

Getting Your Mojo Back In Order:

Depending on how actively magical a life you lead, you may find yourself needing to take a breather every now and then, a time when you do no workings, and simply get in touch with your spiritual and emotional inner self. Use the three days that occur before, during and immediately after the new moon as a time when you give your "witchiness" a rest, and instead focus on rejuvenation.

How can you do this? After all, you're busy, right? You have a job, kids, committments to keep... but you owe it to yourself to take a break once in a while. It's not selfish to think of yourself on occasion -- in fact, if you DO take the time to focus on you, you'll be a happier and healthier person. Here are some ways you can get yourself feeling revitalized during the new moon:

  • Take a cleansing bath. Use herbal sachets, light candles, and scented oils if you like them. Shut off the phone, lock the bathroom door, and enjoy.
  • Go for a walk in the woods. Humans aren't the only ones whose bodies move in tune with the moon's cycles. See if the trees and sky feel different to you during this phase of the moon. Notice changes in energy in the natural world.
  • Take a catnap. If you're feeling run-down and beat, nothing beats a quick 30-minute nap. Don't sleep too long, though, or you'll just feel off-kilter the rest of the day.
  • Meditate. Make the time to get comfortable in your favorite chair or a spot on the floor, and meditate. If you have trouble meditating on your own, get a recorded guided meditation to follow along with.
  • Do something with your hands. If you're a crafty type, now is a good time to do work that is physical, rather than mental or spiritual. Build something, paint a picture, chop some wood.
  • Get together with friends. Often, we forget how important it is to connect to people other than our spouse and kids. Get a group together and go out, even if it's just for lunch.
  • Try something new. If you've always wanted to take a yoga class, learn Irish step dancing, or try out French lessons, now's a great time. Think of the new moon as a time of rebirth, and a new you will emerge as the moon begins to move into its waxing cycle.
  • Plant something. Many gardeners swear by moon phase planting -- the phase between the new moon and the full moon, when the moon is waxing, is when you should start your seedlings for plants that grow above ground. It's also a good time to re-pot and trim up any houseplants that may have gotten scraggly.

moon-light.jpg Moonlight image by lova_03

Financial Crisis Better Business Spell

This increased power business bath is considered an emergency spell. It provides temporary relief in times of crisis. Save it for use ONLY during truly hard times and crises. It is most powerful when performed at the new moon. DO NOT be tempted to perform this spell at every new moon. It loses its effectiveness when used too frequently.
Needs: dried or shredded fresh basil, dried or fresh parsley, coriander seeds and/or fresh coriander leaves, cinnamon, brown sugar, grated fresh orange zest, fresh orange leaves (optional), boiling spring water, heat resistant bowl, strainer
Make a strong infusion of the herbs by pouring boiling spring water over them. Allow liquid to cool. Fill a bathtub half full. Strain botanicals. Stand naked in the bathtub and toss the infusion over yourself. Sit or recline in the water, soaking for seven minutes. Pray and petition for help for the entire period. Visualize your prayers being fulfilled. After seven minutes, drain water and air dry.
Money Oil
Add powdered bayberry and oakmoss to sweet almond oil. Add bits of gold foil or leaf (available at Indian grocers or art supply stores). Rub between your hands as needed or use to dress candles.
Money Drawing Powder #1
Grind the following to a powder:
Calendula blossoms
Chamomile blossoms
Cinquefoil (five fingered grass)
Money Drawing Powder #2
Grind the following to a powder:
Dried parsley
Sprinkle over wallets, checkbooks, cash registers, candles, or use in spells
Prosperity Powder
Grind the following to a powder:
Orange zest
Sprinkle a circle of powder around a green candle and burn the candle.
Another prosperity spell is to get a roll of dimes and drop a dime at a time in various places. The silver is of course an attractor, and spreading prosperity around brings it to us. The idea is to drop the dime where no one will yell at you, "Yoo, hoo--did you drop this dime?" That happened to me in a grocery store bank branch. I'm told it also works with pennies. When I walk, if I see a coin on the sidewalk, I pick it up and say, "For those in need." That includes me, of course. When I get home, I lay the coin on my Dame Fortuna altar.

New Moon Calendar Dates

Updated Feb 1, 2011 by J McCaul

The best feature about New Moons is the feeling of starting anew, a fresh start, a new beginning. Although the New Moon data is not as popular as the Full Moon, the dates are sought out by many people who know just how meaningful the New Moon event can be. In the dark twilight of the black moon, we just don't sense the significance of the New Moon phase. We are less likely to look up when there is no moon visible.

The day of the New Moon is one of the many opportunities to finding success. Successful people know all about the Law of Attraction. The New Moon is an excellent step towards gaining (attracting) that same type of success. Learning how to make and receive New Moon wishes for success is at your fingertips. Read about "Abundance Bucks" PDF and learn for yourself how the New Moon grants opportunities and success in life.

The table displays the list of New Moon dates and zodiac sign. With a complete year of information, finding the next New Moon date just got easier! There's no need to thumb month by month through a lunar calendar. The time zone is adjustable to provide you the times for your area. This information can be used in conjunction with the Moon Phase - Lunar Calendar or Void of Course - Astrology Calendar. Although Eclipses always fall on the day of a New Moon (Solar) or a Full Moon (Lunar), they are less frequent and listed on a different page. The Eclipse times can also be time zone adjusted.

Aug 29, 2011
3:04 am

Sep 27, 2011
11:09 am

Oct 26, 2011
7:57 pm

Nov 25, 2011
6:11 am

Dec 24, 2011
6:08 pm

Jan 23, 2012
7:42 am


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