
Photons are the quantum, discrete quantity, of electromagnetic energy and a quantum of light. It is a unit or "particle" of electromagnetic radiation, carrying a quantum of energy which is characteristic of the particular radiation. The energy of a photon is greater the shorter the wavelength--smallest for radio waves, increasingly larger for microwaves, infra-red radiation, visible light and ultra-violet light. It is largest for x-rays and gamma rays. They have the ability to accumulate and amass photonic particles to enhance light. Also, they have the ability to disperse photonic Particles to reduce and dim light. In advanced forms of this ability with much precision gained a Photokinetic can localize light into small condensed or slightly dispersed ‘orbs’ o light. The manipulation of color, a quality of light, depending on its wavelength, can produce influence over a colors dimension of hue, saturation, and brightness or lightness. Color is the property of an object which is dependent on the wavelength of the light it reflects or, in the case of a luminescent body, the wavelength of the light it emits. If, in either case, this light is of a single wavelength, the color seen is a pure spectral color (rainbow spectrum), but, if the light of two or more wavelengths is emitted, the color will be mixed creating more colors. White light is a balanced mixture of all the visible spectral colors. Due to this manipulation Color Therapy is a possibility for Lumokinetic’s in which is system using specific color rays to treat the body and mind, color therapy is based on the notion that organs and systems vibrate at certain frequencies. Lumokinetic’s via their electromagnetic influence and influences over photons can also enhance the light and brilliance of fire. The electromagnetic fields raise the heat index and excite the flames while the accumulation of photons enhances the luminescence of the fire.
Exercises and Techniques:
[ BEGINNER ] Generalized Illumination: Beginning techniques for photokinesis is a matter of realizing your surroundings and if you are in the right conditions to engage your ability. If you can not at this point create an illuminating effect you might want to look around you as to why. For beginners make sure the area in which you are practicing is already partially dim and try to only illuminate around yourself. If you are in a well lit area such as near a strong light source or in a much darkened area this will not work for you. If the area is to dark you will not have enough photons or light to accumulates and pull towards you. Light sources should be no closer to you then approximately three feet and make sure that it is not too bright. The more photons in the room the more you have to amass to illuminate. The less Photons or light you have to amass the more difficult your exercise becomes. If this works for you then the next step is to attempt to illuminate a more condensed illumination or attempt the illumination away from you instead of around you.
[ INTERMEDIATE ] Precision Illumination "Illuminated Orb": Advanced techniques for photokinesis would involve after accomplishing generalized illumination is to now form the light accumulation to your liking through condensation. Here you will be forming a ball of light instead of just amassing light. To begin, the simplest form to give this illumination is a circle. This technique requires precision in the accumulation of the photons as to give it correct form. Continue by increasing the precision of the orb by complicating its design or form.


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