Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation P e r s o n a l S e s s i o n s o f S u p p o r t


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation  

P e r s o n a l   S e s s i o n s   o f   S u p p o r t  

During the Planetary Grid Transmissions

New Moon ~ this Saturday ~ April 21

With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting

during 4 synchronized times:  

Sydney, Australia: 8 pm

Country of India: 8 pm

Paris, France: 8 pm

      New York, USA: 9 pm

world clock conversion




Assisting with your Initiation into Multi-Dimensionality

Our Light Transmission Team is here to help you through... 

  • Core Energy Purgings 
  • Dissolving Resistance
  • Energy Body Stabilization
  • Releasing the Ego's Control
  • Letting Go of the Human Perception

We come to you as a Unified Field, one Group Body... and the tangible points of light transmission from the Planetary Crystalline Grid. We invoke and then simply allow ourselves to be used as Divine Conduits for the greater energy to do its work. We hold you in your highest Divine Potential... seeing and transmitting to you as already healed, whole and complete.

This is a session of direct energy transference and is set into momentum through your commitment and intention to receive and then to make necessary life changes. Above all, keep your connection with our Group Soul and unwavering focus on the Greater, and where you want to go.
As you submit a request of support, you are assisting in the core transformation for the whole Group Soul and for the planet, allowing a far greater impact than the little "I". 

Session of Support: Registration

The suggested energy exchange is a love donation or "pay it forward".    

Donations greatly assists the humanitarian momentum of Children of the Sun Foundation 



Initiation into Multidimensionality
~ Unmasking the Resistance ~

As the moon wanes, continuing its descent into absolute darkness, we are undergoing yet another intense initiation as the Cosmic Solar Fire continues to bathe our entire planet.
This initiation can be characterized as a very unique "dark night of the soul". It is a phase of some of the deepest core purging as the reconfiguration continues, fusing and synthesizing our entire multi-body energy system. It is catalyzing a complete and instantaneous upgrade of the electrically wired genetic blueprint, quickly shifting us into the magnetic multi-dimensional body of light.
The re-wirings and constant re-booting of our systems is lighting up and revealing the master cell of the unconscious self, releasing us instantly from our bondage to the ego's control and the limiting human perception.
This grand revealing leaves no aspect of our being unturned. The fire of Divine Truth blazes through us, leaving us stripped of self and thrown naked in the tar pit of remaining egoic resistance. It is in this pit of fear, found within the intricately webbed recesses of our lower self, that we valiantly and willingly place our human self upon the altar of the Sacred Fire. 
It is from this extraordinary act of final surrender, that we are breaking free from the masquerade as the ultimate death of the ego's hold releases us through the veil. It is the final extinction of our identification to the self as a body limited by the physical senses. 
The Light of God ensures that there is nowhere to hide while simultaneously providing those with the eyes to see with the opportunity to expand their perceptions beyond the physical realm. The more that we let go of what we think we know (the mask of the ego), the greater levels of illumination we are receiving.
As we surrender our human, we are absorbed by the light and our greater, multi-dimensional aspect of Self completely over-rides our human operating system.




The Planetary Grid Transmissions

New Moon ~ Saturday, April 21

Following are recommended audio recordings that give tremendous assistance to our initiation into multi-dimensionality and deepening the connection to our I AM Presence (Greater Self).

You may use these timeless audios as a way to build and sustain your personal momentum, for healing, activation and as a grid programmer, receiver and transmitter. 

1. The Amazon Transmissions 

This audio is embued with the code transferences of Unity Consciousness and guides a journey of energy body recalibration and stabilization.

2. Building the Strength and Power of our Electronic Ring

We are consciously building and charging this luminous field of Divine Light radiation and our personal mantle of protection and invincibility. This greatly assists in developing our skills of Energy Transference.

3. Developing our Concentration for Instant Manifestation
It is through the Divine Attribute of Concentration that brings stability, alignment with our Supreme Mind and opens the door into our Powers of Creation and instant manifestation. This transmissions gift superb alignment to the I AM of our being.

4. Journey to the Great Central Sun  ~
Activating our Solar Magnetism

We activate our absolute alignment with the Great Central Sun and the solar magnetism within our own bodies... that which gives us instantaneous manifesting ability.  We build Group Antahkarana and realize union with our I AM Presence.

5. Expanded DNA Code Activation

This is activating the codes of light in our DNA and the remembrance of our Avatar skills. This transmission directly supports the actualization of our God Self out-pictured in the flesh.



Supporting Resources at Children of the Sun

We are a Humanitarian Non-Profit Foundation

Donations Propel Our Generous Mission

Hall of Records Archives

These articles are reflections of the Ageless Wisdom that can greatly assist our collective raising. Everything we have done is programmed into the Crystalline Grid and can be called forth as an energy transference.
Meditations, Activations, Rites of Passage

In 2011, we created the etheric blueprint of our ascension path. Most all of these audio transmissions are timeless pieces that give great support to personal transformation.

Join The Center of Illumination

This is our private site for team communications which offers invaluable support in these times of the great shift. Our online gathering features the latest news articles from other lightworkers and networks, COS group activities, individual assistance and the sharing of resources to greatly assist in each other's mission. Featuring our weekly... Transfiguration Chamber!

Join as a GEO Light Team

The Light Teams and their developing regional Foundations serve as conduits for the high frequency and transforming photonic energies that accelerate and stabilize the mass awakening and planetary shift.   

Join our Light Transmission Team

Your service is in support to all people registering to receive energy healing/transformation support in addition to any planetary event that may require collective energy transmission assistance.

2012 Calendar of Events

Please refer to our 2012 events calendar to stay in sync with the planetary happenings during this momentous year.

C H I L D R E N   O F   T H E   S U N   F O U N D A T I O N   





~ Gratitude Mail at the Foundation ~

Your selfless work enables ALL of us to move forward even if at times we are either afraid or unaware of why.  You have brought to me the understanding of intense physical fire pain on my left side especially lower half.  I am "told" this is where FEAR lives in me and that I am transmuting it now.  I understand now that in order to consciously and more fully incorporate the I AM energies in every cell in my body all obstacles will naturally be "absorbed" in the precious I AM consciousness.  I will now be able to "allow" the pain it's expression BUT not become it.


I have experienced shifts within, taking place under feelings of extreme pressure, discomfort, feelings of dying, wanting to die, yearnings, sorrow, inability to breathe at night, body pain, flashbacks, 'inner voice patterns' vagueness, confusion etc. I have stayed with it, but under extreme difficulty, not realizing how hard it was going to become. I  came here to do this, and only this. I was able to make  good use of tools ... and have shared the experience and support with 2 close friends - fellow travellers in oneness. We are ready, but really, have been struggling with it.  We have also felt the 'breakthrough' in the past day or so... creating the crystalline light body consciously and taking a more proactive role, rather than being 'rocked' by the energy hits.


I feel so connected to you all and I wanted to reach out and thank you for your words, energy and service work - this particular one was very important because the restlessness is growing in huge numbers. The importance of what you are doing, I' am sure you are aware, is beyond planetary and I just had to THANK YOU for all of it.  


I have had problems with my right ear for two years after I made a trip by plane. It was blocked... I could hardly hear and I thought that I was becoming deaf in one ear. However, through my third healing session, the problem disappeared completely and my ear has completely recovered. I am so grateful to all of you as I can hear very well now!




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