Listen to the GrandMother Teachings."
""We are returning the Earth's health, and in doing that
we are returning our own health".
-- On Sat, 21/2/09, Sharon Alder <shekinahoneness@> wrote:
listen to Little GrandMother Selina and the Story of GrandMother Turtle Pipe:
http://www.talkshoe .com/talkshoe/ web/talkCast. jsp?masterId= 34032&cmd=tc
-- On Sun, 2/15/09, millennium <yonibluestar@ uk> wrote:
Long ago the Northeastern coast of Turtle Island, first contact was
made between the indigenous peoples and the Europeans. The tribes
knew of the fore coming loss of their ways and held council. They
determined that one tribe should travel far away to their cousins in
the south known as the Incas of Heart Island and one tribe would stay
in their homeland.
The Mik'maq tribe of Northeastern Canada stayed behind but sent their
most sacred item, Grandmother Turtle Pipe, to be held safe until the
Time of the Renewal would come. They knew that Grandmother Turtle
Pipe would return during the Time of the Renewal. The Anishnawbe
tribe traveled with the 5000 year old pipe which held the power of
women's medicine. The sacred Grandmother Turtle Pipe found safe
refuge with an Incan family who passed it down for many many
500 years later the pipe gave the message to her caretakers that it
was time for her to come back to her people. The Time of the Renewal
has come and she must return home. Three Holy People traveled from
South America to Nova Scotia to bring Grandmother Turtle Pipe to her
The sacred Grandmother Turtle Pipe selected Little Grandmother Selina
to carry her and share her medicine to heal the Way of the Feminine.
The time has come.
The time has come to hear the medicine of the Grandmothers and
embrace a new way of living. Little Grandmother Selina carries the
medicine of the women to heal and prepare us for the ways of Peace.
Please join me on our web-cast program Women and Prophecy, Wed
night, February 18th, 6pm Pacific time, to hear Little Grandmother
Selina's powerful story and her connection to the Grandmothers and
the 13 Original Clan Mothers who are making themselves known at this
time of the Women. Her wisdom heals the deepest part of us in need
of remembering who we are.
Featuring women sharing prophecy and spiritual teachings from around
the world. Women elders, Wise Ones and Grandmothers reveal the
secrets passed down from their ancestors.
Janet Lightstone
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