Japanese Scientists Prove That Auras Actually Exist

A group of Japanese scientists from the University of Tokyo under the supervision of Mio Watanabe, conducted a series of experiments by which they managed to visually capture the aura of a person, thus proving its existence! With the assistance of highly sensitive cameras the scientists were able to photograph a person’s special glow. Notably, the glow appears brightest in the morning and seems to “fade” in the evening. It is most visible around the face, mouth, cheeks and neck. Experts believe that this technique could become anew tool for use in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. A faint glow around certain body parts may indicate the presence of a disease or disorder.
It is astounding that the existence of an aura remains in doubt if techniques for photographing it have existed for decades? The pioneers in this field, in fact, are the Kirlians, to this day any halos around photographed objects are referred to as the “Kirlian effect”. In their time the couple patented many inventions to photograph the glow and captured many images of it. Over time, they noticed that the images varied from person to person.


From the intensity of the glow, the Kirlians learned to determine the total activity of the body, the efficiency of different drugs and treatments, as well as the state of organs and systems. Today the GDV method is fairly well developed and can be used to conduct ageneral analysis of the whole body. The pictures are qualitatively and objectively interpreted reducing the risk of medical errors. The effectiveness of different treatments can be detected individually.
GDV is based on light emissions which appear in high voltage electromagnetic fields. If it were to become widely used in traditional diagnosis then, with its help, doctors could not only easily carry out common diagnosis at a given moment but also identify diseases which may occur in the future. This could greatly improve the quality ofpreventive care.
Needless to say, that in the traditional ancient oriental medicine the concept of the aura is well understood and commonly accepted. Eastern practices, both medical and spiritual, are initially directed at correcting the aura i.e. the spiritual body rather than the physical. Recovery on a physical level, therefore, is only a consequence of balancing the aura. These ancient texts also offer a very detailed analysis of the spiritual body – the energy centers, meridians, channels, etc


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