Strange Light


Quite a few years ago, my mother and her first husband were in the middle of nowhere camping out. It was pitch dark. They were sitting around the camp fire talking when they finally decided to go to bed. They both got into bed and started to go to sleep when suddenly outside the tent there was an incredibly bright light. They both crawled out of the tent to see what it was. It was as if it were daylight. They were both sure they had only just got into bed. They looked around and they could see everything, the tent, the car, the trees, etc. and there were no shadows at all, as if it were noon. Then they noticed that they could not see a source of light. They scanned the sky for the sun or other bright light but there was nothing. Neither of them could see the source of the light. Then, as suddenly as it came, it went. Pitch dark again. As if someone had switched whatever it was off. They both freaked out and got back into the tent. My mother said she had never seen anything like it before or since.

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