Strange Blue light


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In Pennsylvania, 1984, I was visiting Amish friends as a Fresh Air Fund child from Staten Island, New York. I had gone to this same family every summer since 1978. They had built a home themselves from the ground up on land that previously only used to grow corn.
One evening, many of us were sitting outside at the home next door. The sun was going down so my friend's niece and I, who was the same age -- about 12 or 13 -- decided to walk back to the house so we could get some sweaters.
We had to walk down a lane about a half mile long to get to the road to get the home next door. By time we reached the front of the house, it was dark outside. From the road, I looked up at the house at the window of the spare room I slept in each summer, and in the black window, I saw a blue sphere of light.
In an Amish home, there is no electricity except for running the refrigerator and a stove in the kitchen. When people are out, there are no lights left on in the home for fear of fire and wasting energy. The only lights used in an Amish home are kerosene lamps and candles, which give off a distinct light, definitely not blue.
I didn't have a kerosene lamp in my spare room; I just used a flashlight at night, as Amish most often do. This light was suspended in the middle of the room. It did not illuminate anything around it. There was no logical reason for it to be there.
It was intensely blue, a dark shade of blue and perfectly round. The home across the street had nothing reflecting any type of light in that direction. No one was in the home, all the lights were out; it was completely dark inside. I asked my friend if she saw the light in the window and indeed, she did. I felt good to know I was not crazy.
I asked her if she was willing to go in the house to get the sweaters. Just like me, she was too frightened to get a step further. We chose to suffer the chill of the night and go back to the group. When we all walked back together, the light was gone.
It was a spooky and strange experience. I have never heard of anyone else who has seen a blue light until now, looking at this website, and now I am 40 years old. I wonder why we saw the light and why it is not more common to hear of this.


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