Anxiety is:

Anxiety is getting invited somewhere 
and wanting to go
but your mind telling you it’s a bad idea
Anxiety is waking up in the morning 
feeling fine 
but knowing it’s only a matter of time before something sets you off
Anxiety is being tired constantly 
a tiredness which no amount of sleep can take away
Anxiety is the fear everyone is judging you
even people you’ve never met
Anxiety is finding that person you’re comfortable around 
and never leaving their side at a party
Anxiety is thinking you’re about to have a heart attack 
even though you’re only in your twenties and in perfect health
Anxiety is feeling like your drunk
after only consuming one alcoholic beverage
Anxiety is having a sick stomach 
over things that shouldn’t even matter
Anxiety is having to make up excuses 
even when you’re dying for some social interaction
Anxiety is wanting to live on your own
but fearing you will never get to that point
Anxiety is looking at the clock during a test and panicking
even if you’ve only been at it for five minutes
Anxiety is the fear of not being good enough 
even if it’s obvious everyone loves you
Anxiety is having to take medication 
just to get through the day
Anxiety is doing good on a test
but obsessing over every little mistake you made
Anxiety is saying “sorry” to everyone you talk to 
because you worry you’re annoying them
Anxiety is excruciating headaches 
that make you feel like your head is going to explode
Anxiety is feeling faint 
even when there’s no way you’d actually pass out
Anxiety is the fear of being called on in class 
because you’re worried you don’t know the answer
Anxiety is an every day thing 
so don’t judge based on things you don’t know

Thanks for the person who submitted this. 


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