Reptilians Draconians

I believe there are two categories of people that allow this kind of hatred to invade their mindset, and I would like to discuss both.
   The first category are those who have been thoroughly manipulated by the spiritual propaganda that is currently being pushed by so many individuals. Their lack of experience combined with their desire for answers makes them easy targets for those hoping to spread their ideals of hatred. The fact that we’re exposed to depictions of reptiles being evil, dark, negative, nasty, ect., from children stories all the way to up to religion, makes humans more prone to be influenced by this kind of prejudice and fear. Certain things rest within the subconscious, and as we grow in this world, what we are exposed to influences how we experience this reality. The people in this category have no experiential proof to back up their hatred and discrimination, and hold fear-based articles and YouTube videos to enforce their claims instead of actual first-hand familiarity. This category makes up the majority of those who harbor and push this kind of prejudice. This may seem unfortunate, but it would be worse if there were more people that would fall into the second category below.
   The second category of people is a group of souls that have an experiential justification that fuels their hatred towards reptilian beings. Whether it be a past life(s) or a negative spiritual experience(s), they hold on to what they feel is a logical reason… a justification for feeling the way they feel, and to spread the ideals of hatred they spread. The deeper the personal pain is, whether it be pain that occurred directly to the self or empathetic pain for others that had endured a terrible hardship, the harder it is for them to let go of this hatred. The fact of the matter is, this hatred is an expression that signifies unresolved pain, and these souls express a desperate need to understand what happened to them or to others. It is this category of individuals that is the root source of this propaganda, or the anti-reptile(and other races too) movement. It pushes them to enforce their ideals of justice with action instead of just some ill inner feelings. The propaganda that has been created is simply the product of one of these actions. Hatred and pain evolves into ill intentions for some, only, the perpetrator fully believes that what he/she is doing is the right thing to do. It’s simply too hard to look at the part of themselves that hurts SO much, and so instead of fixing their mindset, they feel their mindset is correct, and feel that it is their intentions and actions that will fix the world around them. These people simply need to realize that what they’re doing goes against their very own ideals of peace that they desperately hold onto.
    So all in all, the TRUE hatred towards reptilian beings, and other ET races are TRULY felt by those enduring a grueling pain in their soul, and those who believe it with nothing other than “here-say,” are being manipulated by the ones harboring this TRUE hatred, and feeling TRUE pain.
   Humanity is a collection of spiritual children, mostly, that is greatly influenced by what they come into contact with, which means even the slightest bit of information and/or experiences can greatly influence what a human being considers real and not real, true and not true, ect.... even if they don't know it. That is what makes this propaganda successful at what it is reaching for. They try their hardest to rally up members to spread the hatred like wildfire, because the more people that believe it, even a little, the more they increase their chances of it effecting the individual, spiritual mindsets of those who take it in. I also believe that many of the fear-based conspiracy theories capture people who want to escape facing the truth of our collective actions on this planet and ourselves, as human beings. It's easy to point the finger and blame, but not easy for people to accept, face up to what we've done, and move on. These conspiracy theories encourage the idea of running away from our past mistakes.
    As for the purpose behind spiritually manipulating humans in this way, I have a few guesses, but not many people can know for sure. I know that all of this decreases the rate at which humanity grows, spiritually, but why do this? Maybe it’s about raising humanity to become a war species, or maybe it’s simply to make humanity easier to control. I would like to discuss this with you guys further.
   If there was awareness in the future of ET races and the spiritual aspect of things, whether it be soon or a thousand years from now, it is likely that individuals like myself will be ostracized because of their spiritual ties to what our culture would consider "evil" or "dark" beings. All this is hypothetical of course.
   As an added note, there are countless reptilian species that exist on countless planets throughout the Universe that each have their own distinct characteristics. To label all reptilian beings evil is simply too ignorant.
   To clarify, I am not ignoring or discrediting anyone who has had negative contact experiences with reptilian beings. I am discrediting the arbitrary labeling and discrimination of an entire collection of races, that seems to have invaded the minds of many within the spiritual community. One can argue that there are not many “positive reptilian experiencers” to support my opinions, but I would disagree. Money controls what gets publicized, and with all of the people claiming reptilian beings to be evil, despicable beings... don’t you think people would be reluctant to share their positive reptilian experiences with the public? I certainly was… for a long time. The fear and paranoia I witnessed coming from many, MANY people made me fear that some extremists would find out where I live and burn my house down in the name of justice if I decided to be outspoken about it all…. and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one. Obviously, I overcame this laughable fear. It was just that the hateful words and accusations towards reptilian beings on the internet would make a list too long to for me to write, and yes, it was scary for me. The day I decided to look up “reptilians" and "spirituality” years back was a devastating blow to me. I was directed from google to the david icke forums, and that place is simply the deepest cesspool of hatred towards reptilians that has ever existed. That day, my heart was pounding, I was sweating profusely, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe… I damn near had a panic attack. The beings that I’ve loved since I was a child were being constantly disrespected with accusations of all colors. The reality of it all was hitting me at that moment. I’m hoping that by being outspoken about my experiences and spiritual beliefs, I can set an example for those that feel they need to keep their feelings and experiences a secret.
    Another clarification. I am not claiming all reptilian beings to have positive intentions either. That statement, too, would be a form of discrimination. Any statement or ideal suggesting something that separates reptilian beings from the rest of the universe of beings is prejudiced, whether it be of a positive nature or a negative one. Reptilian beings are souls of this universe, like any other. Please treat them as such within your own mind.
   I also understand that reptilian beings aren’t the only ones beings targeted by the common propaganda. This article is for allthose who are being oppressed by the disinfo and propaganda. We are in this together.
   To those that fall into the second category, that happen to be reading this, please listen to me. Please open your heart to understanding. All I, and so many others, want is to help heal whatever wounds you may have. Share with us your pain, your anguish. Show us what you or your loved ones have went through, we will get through this together. We will be with you, we will heal with you… we will cry WITH you. Please read my story in this link below. I know first hand how it feels to hold onto a justification. I hated humanity along with myself, and I held on to what happened to others and to me to justify a personal crusade. Please try to understand that the hatred you feel doesn't serve what you truly desire.

Many ancient people regard the Snake and the Serpent with great respect, as an "ancestor" of the human race.  However, there was been an anti-serpent meme planted in the modern human mind, basically from the story of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden in the Hebrew Bible.  This was partially borrowed from the ancient Sumerian stories, so clearly illuminated by Zechariah Sitchin and his followers.
A good overview of the influence of the Reptilian ancestors and spiritual teachings can be found in the bookThe Return of the Serpents of Wisdom by Mark Amaru Pinkham.
Of course, any of our ancestors may not be perfect.  Some have obviously committed atrocities and otherwise harmed other beings, as well as themselves.  So I understand the bad feelings that exist.  But there are other feelings, too, and letting these feelings flow is the key.  NEVER act from hate.  It is important to find LOVE and only act from that place.
Obviously, many of these ancestors have had more incarnations since then and many have learned lessons and progressed spiritually.  Some even say that the old rivalry between siblings Enlil and Enki has been resolved in brotherly love....or is in the process NOW of that resolution.
What really gets MY goat ;-) is the way David Icke and his followers label people as "looking reptilian" and then act from that "hate" to brand people and shame them.  Many times, it seems anti-Semetic to me.  Certain "physical characteristics" are called "reptilian."  Is this a reason to hate people???  Hating people for the way they LOOK is stupid and counter-productive.
ANOTHER KIND OF PREJUDICE is the feeling from certain Starseeds that humanity itself is defective.  It is a terrible prejudice.  Humanity now needs encouragement and love and action based based on that love, both for Humanity and the Earth itself.
Let's get over the superficial and go deep.  Let's really love people NO MATTER WHAT and move on to a positive relationship with all beings in our Universe.
(This obviously does not mean we FORGET or DENY true history.  We need to know ALL of our story....the good, the bad, and in between.  To be balanced and loving is the most important thing.)
 The powers that be made a scapegoat out of reptilians. It was very easy and convenient to demonize them because of their very strong energy. They have VERY strong energy and if something (injustice) keeps provoking and infuriating them they can become fearsome for sure... and yes even destructive.
But! The original role of reptilians was to be... the sentinels of humans! Like everything else in this deeply fallen realm it too got distorted and turned upside down and inside out.
The divine race of dragons for instance embodies divine love to their core. It is a kind of love that is completely and fully incomprehensible for humans. Especially in their current form. They don't understand it, they don't feel it they don't hear it they don't care about it. That makes the dragons feel very lonely but they keep on loving their human brothers and sisters unbroken.They are unshakable and incorruptible. Dedicated and powerful as hell (no pun intended haha). The most peaceful creatures you can imagine. When the beings they were assigned to protect are threatened though, they turn into formidable enemies.
They are magnificent, forceful creatures, wise and multidimensional. There is an inherent and deeply touching nobility to their heart.
I think the second category is the majority cause of hate fueled thinking. As a gay man who grew up in a very homophobic environment, in Ireland at a time when so many hated each other simply because of religion, what school they went to, what church they attended, or what side of the street they lived on.   I came to the realization that most people "hate" what they do not understand and also very often what they fear, and very often mainly what they cannot accept or take responsibility for about themselves. In a war people get killed on both sides, but who decides which side is right or wrong? Good or bad?  The winners do perhaps?, but that doesnt make it true or them right.
 Hate propaganda becomes self perpetuating, and often relies very much on a lack of education.  For example where I grew up right from the moment they could speak protestant kids hated catholic kids, and vice versa. Each thought the other was evil, lived in squalor, had horns, ate babies and was in league with Satan.   It was THE OTHER SIDES fault that they were poor and had nothing, that they were fighting etc   This was introduced generation to generation by poorly educated parents to their children, all had never met someone from the "other side" , then perpetuated by kids / and teens talking to kids, who grew into angry adults,  self policing and enforced among themselves.  They all feared and hated each other but when they actually met (i worked on holidays which would bring both sides together) they were always shocked at how they where exactly the same as them, and firm friendships were always made across the divide when they actually met.  The small group of people who wanted to keep this hate going would turn up at sensitive times, like a march or funeral, and start by just throwing a stone or bottle and shouting a few nasty slogans and then just watch everyone riot. 
This is the same.  People are afraid, angry, confused.. and its much easier to blame a species, a race, a political part some else for all the wrongs in your world than it is to look within and take responsibility.  Across all levels this is the core issue.  Humanities abdication of responsibility, the blame game, and deep wounds that need healing for all, which can only be healed once we see we are all the same and contain equal amounts of blame and suffering.
Why is it so?  What is the reason behind all this hate and lies?  I think its simple.. divided we fall but united we conquer.  A peoples are much easier to control and manipulate if they are filled with hate.. that creates more hate..too busy pointing fingers at each other and saying the other must change.  
Is hate even a true emotion?  I dont think so.. if we have truth, understanding, compassion, love and forgiveness for ourselves and others is it still possible to hate at all?  The frequency of hate actually lowers our intelligence making us unable to reason, to think clearly.  It is blinding and even though one can be quite intellectual and calculated about ones hate, one cannot access true wisdom as it is blocked out by the pain and anger fueling the hate, preventing reason to prevail. Hate ceases to be in the presence of true love and compassion, it has no true place except to act as a distraction from the true work of healing the self and taking full responsibility for your own life.
I cant even begin to cover all the reasons why we sometimes hate but at the core of it all the reasoning is always incomplete, for when we truly understand the journey of another we cannot hate them, for we will always see ourselves reflected back and know that beings just like us on the many layered, interwoven, meshed and webbed circles within spirals of existences, are travelling on a journey along with us, and for reasons far beyond our full understanding, have interacted and influenced us at times, just as we have them, in so many myriad ways, that all we can do is love and accept them as the true fellow travelers and brothers and sisters they truly are.  All we have is each other.
   It's interesting that you suggest that the purpose behind getting people to hate is to make people easier to control. If that's the case, It's the one's who do harbor TRUE hate(second category) that is being used to spread their fierce emotions onto others, to convince them to feel the same with no experiential backup. Still...  that doesn't mean the second category couldn't still crawl to the top of the chain and consume the ones trying to control them if this is the case. Speculation...speculation
   I do believe hate is a true emotion, though. As one that has experienced hatred so deep that it nearly drove me to be something that makes me shiver when thought about today, I believe hate is a scapegoat emotion, but nonetheless, a very strong one. I believe the ones that control their hatred rather than the other way around, can do the most damage. letting go of hatred all together is what needs to happen to the ones who harbor it. The cycle needs to be broken in order for them to let it go. I also believe that just because one overcomes hatred within themselves, it doesn't mean they wont return to it again after having lost something deeply. Their level of pain combined with their level of understanding will determine whether or not they will return to that mindset.   
When we feel sadness we release that sadness by allowing it to move through us, to feel it, to connect to the deepest origins of that pain, and allow it to be released back into the universe, and we then draw in love and acceptabnce to balance the leaving pain. We bring the focus of love to ourselves for healing and release.  We cannot do this with any issue we cannot accept within ourselves.  If we deny aspects,  if we cannot truly look in the mirror of self and see who we are, accept who we are and what we have done, and love self unconditionally, we will never be complete. When that pain is buried too deep to be able to connect to or acknowledge, or the subject of compound traumas (a similar trauma repeated over and over)  emotions are generated such as fear and anger to distract oursleves from dealing with the real issues. The conscious mind will concoct all sorts of reasons and justifications for an external focus, hate, towards other people, beings or even objects.  Its much easier to blame and hate towards external factors than to look within and acknowledge our own pain, self hate and shame, but until we do we can never realise the truth which is WE ARE ALL DIVINE BEINGS WORTHY OF LOVE.  In the eternal balance of all things, the more we reject love, the more we must feel hate to balance the absence of love.
So although hate is a very real feeling, I think its a frequency reflection of love, a mirror, and the degree represents how for we have moved away from source energy of our etenrnal selfhood. The pain of hate is caused by the separation from self,, as we cannot feel such hatred and remain complete with our higher-self, and so we are pushed out, rejected, due to frequency mismatch, and the pain of separation from self, plus the reduced higher wisdom due to this, causes a cycle of anger and hate until we can reverse the cycle and return to the centre of self through love and healing. 
Of course there are prejudices in all walks of life, between races, speices, factions, planets, galaxies, even universes perhaps. from minor criticisms to major issues often formed from ancient historical actions against one another in the larger interplay of the same principle being played out in the macrocosm.  We journey into separation we see the inner reflected in the outer, and those inner aspects we reject or deny will become more obvious to us in the external.  But often instead of recognising the mirror of life is the signpost to our own issues needing healing within, but so often instead it is more common for someone to become offended, focus blame, and negativity upon those who are most clearly holding the mirror to us and so separation increases in the duality or separation from true self within the individual observer along with external separation from those beings we reject and those we see as representing incompatible ideology or behaviors.  
On the return journey to ourselves it is necessary to reconcile those issues that have separated us from each other and from ourselves.  Many lessons lie within the ancient stories and journeys we have all taken, and much forgiveness on all sides, for all beings, and all of our own selves must reconcile and heal to become more complete.  So the hate can be transformed we must first understand what it means to ourselves, those effected by it and those the focus of it, and understand what it means in terms of our own inner journey home so that we may move beyond it on all levels.
Let go, feel it, we are already here.
On Joy and Sorrow
 Kahlil Gibran
Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.
And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.
And how else can it be?
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven?
And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. 

Some of you say, "Joy is greater thar sorrow," and others say, "Nay, sorrow is the greater."
But I say unto you, they are inseparable.
Together they come, and when one sits, alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed. 

Verily you are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy.
Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.
When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh his gold and his silver, needs must your joy or your sorrow rise or fall."


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