We are ALL Aliens and Life came to Earth from Space say Scientists

We are ALL Aliens and Life came to Earth from Space According to new research, its very likely that we are all in face Aliens that came from elsewhere in the universe to Earth. Ladies and gentleman the controversy has been served after Astronauts on board the International Space Stations discovered marine plankton on one of the Stations windows. Another point for ‘Panspermia’ here as researchers say that this is further evidence to support the idea that life came to our planet from elsewhere in the cosmos. While Russian experts state that these tiny organisms were brought to the station by ‘air currents from the sea’ where plankton is found in abundance, other scientists argue that it is impossible for plankton to ‘travel’ to the ISS, meaning that these organisms must have originated from somewhere else. We are ALL Aliens and Life came to Earth from Space say Scientists We are ALL Aliens and Life came to Earth from Space say Scientists The finding was made possible thanks to high precision equipment although researchers have no idea how the organisms ended up at the International Space Station. Further research on the organisms discovered on the International Space Station showed that the organisms are not native to Baikonur, Kazahstan, where some of the modules originated. This means that it is extremely unlikely that the organisms were hauled into space from the launch although there is a possibility that they were transferred from US parts of the ISS since NASA launch sites are located near the Atlantic Ocean. “The results of the experiment are absolutely unique. We have found remains of sea plankton (…). This should be studied further, “said cosmonaut Vladimir Soloviev, head of one of the Russian orbital missions. According to Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe , from the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, algae or diatoms have been previously found in meteorites that fell to Earth. ‘Diatoms have been found on meteorites in Sri Lanka, but there has been no proof where they actually came from,’ he said. ‘This is the first time that we have evidence that points towards complex living organisms falling from the skies to Earth. ‘The space station is orbiting the earth in a total vacuum, there is no air, so it is a total defiance of the laws of physics to say these organisms were blown into space from Earth. ‘The only explanation is that they have come from elsewhere in space, and this supports long-held theories that plankton, and therefore all life on Earth including humans, originated from organisms in space. ‘Everything that we have on the Earth is derived from space, including humans.’

According to mainstream scientists: Alien code found in our DNA. Extraterrestrial beings created our species.
Researchers who worked for 13 years in the Human Genome Project indicate that they came across an amazing scientific discovery: They believe that the so-called 97% of non-coding sequences in the human DNA is nothing less than the genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms. Originally referred to as “Junk DNA” its functioned remained a mystery for researchers. Now researchers believe that our DNA is extraterrestrial in origin.
After extensive analysis with the help of other researchers in diverse fields such as mathematics, chemistry and programming, Maxim A. Makukov of the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute have ventured out and asked if there is a possibility that, what we call “junk DNA” is actually some sort of extraterrestrial code, created by an “Alien” programmer.
According to researchers from Kazakhstan, “Our hypothesis is that a more advanced extraterrestrial civilization was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them.”
The researchers indicate that “What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a giant structured code and a simple or basic code.”
The team of researchers believe for a fact that the first part of our DNA code was not written on Earth and according to them it is verifiable. Secondly and most importantly, genes alone are not enough to explain the evolution/abrupt evolution process and there must be something more in ‘the game’.
According to Makukov “Sooner or later,” “we have to accept the fact that all life on Earth carries the genetic code of our extraterrestrial cousins and that evolution is not what we think it is.”
The implications of these scientific findings reinforce claims by other individuals and observers that claim to have had contact with aliens that look like humans. Human-like aliens could have provided some of the genetic material necessary for human evolution.
Quote from News.Discovery: This interpretation leads them to a farfetched conclusion: that the genetic code, “appears that it was invented outside the solar system already several billions years ago.” This statement endorses the idea of panspermia, the hypothesis that Earth was seeded with interstellar life. It’s certainly a novel and bold approach to galaxy conquest if we imagine this was a deliberate Johnny Appleseed endeavor by super-beings


 Researchers in Kazakhstan believe that the human DNA was encoded with an alien signal for an ancient extraterrestrial civilization, and they refer to it as “Biological SETI”. The mathematical code in the human DNA can not be explained by evolution. Basically, we are living and breathing holders of some sort of alien message that can be used,in a much more efficient way then using Radio-signals, to search for Extraterrestrial life.
Once the code had been set, it would remain unchanged in cosmological time-scales, in fact, researchers believe that our DNA is the most durable “construction” known, and that is why it represents an exceptionally reliable and intelligent storage for an alien signature, according to an article in the journal Icaurs.
Writing in the journal Icarus, they assert: “Once fixed, the code might stay unchanged over cosmological timescales; in fact, it is the most durable construct known. Therefore it represents an exceptionally reliable storage for an intelligent signature. Once the genome is appropriately rewritten the new code with a signature will stay frozen in the cell and its progeny, which might then be delivered through space and time.”
Scientists believe that the human DNA is arranged in such a precise way that it reveals a “set of arithmetic patterns and ideographic symbolic language”. These studies have led scientists to believe that we were literally invented “outside of Earth” several billions of years ago.

These ideas or beliefs are anything but accepted in the scientific community. Yet these studies have proven what some researchers have talked about for decades, that evolution could not have happened on its own, and that there is something extraterrestrial to our entire species. Is our entire history wrong?
One mystery that would remain as THE GREAT QUESTION is, if extraterrestrial beings did in fact create the human race and life on planet Earth, then “who” or “what” created these extraterrestrial beings?


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