Full Moon


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Hunter's Moon: October Full Moon Phases

Find the October Hunter's Moon phases—plus, best days by the Moon, full Moon names, and more.

Full Moon Names

October is the month of the Full Hunter's Moon.

This was the time to hunt in preparation for winter. This full Moon is also called the Travel Moon and the Dying Grass Moon.

See more about Full Moon names [2].

Moon Phase Dates 2013

All dates and times are ET. See the Moon Phase Calendar [3] for your city/state.


New Moon: October 4, 8:35 P.M.

First Quarter: October 11, 7:02 P.M.

Full Moon: October 18, 7:38 P.M.

Last Quarter: October 26, 7:40 P.M.


For your next full Moon, see our Full Moon Dates chart [4].

Full Moon Video

Each month, we will explain the traditional names of the full Moon along with some fascinating Moon facts. In this video, learn about the Full Hunter's Moon. Click below to watch the video.

Best Days in October

Below are the best days for activities, based on the Moon's sign and phase in October.

For Harvesting:
  • Aboveground crops: 10, 11
  • Belowground crops: 2, 3, 29, 30
For Setting Eggs:
  • 13, 14, 21, 22
For Fishing:
  • 4-18
by Celeste Longacre

Our astrological timetable, based on the Moon's sign, show the best days for certain activities during the current and next month.


September 2013

October 2013

Begin diet to gain weight



Begin diet to lose weight



Begin logging



Breed animals



Can, pickle, or make sauerkraut



Castrate animals



Cut hair to discourage growth



Cut hair to encourage growth



Cut hay



Destroy pests and weeds



End projects



Go camping



Graft or pollinate



Harvest aboveground crops



Harvest belowground crops



Have dental care



Plant aboveground crops



Plant belowground crops



Prune to discourage growth



Prune to encourage growth



Quit smoking



Set posts or pour concrete



Slaughter livestock



Start projects



Wean animals or children



Moon Facts & Folklore

  • The Moon is to the right of Venus on the 7th and to the right of Jupiter on the 24th.
  • Corn planted under a waning Moon grows slower but yields larger ears.
  • Babies born a day after the full Moon enjoy success and endurance.
  • A new Moon in your dreams promises increased wealth or a happy marriage.

The full moon calendar 1900-2050
An overview of dates of the past 150 years

For all who would like to look back or look ahead, we have compiled all full moon dates of previous and future years.
Full moon calendar 1900-2050
The next full moon year (2013)
The previous full moon year (2011)

Wishing candles

Make a wish – for yourself or for someone who is close to your heart. Kindle a light.

Your candle will burn for 24 hours and then turn into an eternal light. Your wish will be forever accompanied by the possibility of being fulfilled. You may light as many candles as you wish and use the search function to keep looking at them.

8,642 candles have been lit to date.

Lighting a new candle
Changing order (random)

Searching a candle

Moonraker – an English legend


Even though the title of this article may suggest it, the following is not about James Bond, the famous secret agent of Her Majesty, but about another legend, which supposedly happened in Wiltshire in southern England.

A gang of alcohol smugglers tried to hide barrels in a pond of a village from the eyes of the official custom officers. When they were caught by them one night at the shore and were asked to explain themselves, the smugglers tried to rake the surface of the water in order to make the view onto the barrels more difficult. They then claimed that they were trying to fish a round cheese out of the pond and pointed at the reflection of the full moon in the water. The officers thought them to be insane and simply granted them to continue as pleased.

Out of this raking of the surface of the water and the moon, the term »Moonraker« emerged. This expression is still used proudly today by the people who are born in Wiltshire and they sometimes call themselves moonraker.

By the way, there is another important point of reference to the full moon in this area: Stonehenge … it seems that the full moon shines in a special way in southern England.

(Painting: Robert Hugh Buxton, The Moonrakers)

Full Moon is an opportune time of the month for purging rituals to take place. The light the full moon offers illuminates those things that are interfering with our spiritual advancements. Once we have become enlightened to ways that are blocking us, the easier to let go. The full moon ritual is for releasing or purging the things in our lives that no longer serve us such as addictions to food, drugs, or sex, relinquishing suffering involved in hurtful relationships, discharging physical and emotional pains, etc. It is hard to "go with the flow" when we are repressing and blocking our emotions
Take some time to meditate, get into the water, let go, heal, and breathe.


Blood Moon ritual

For this Blood Moon prepare by ceremoniously pour a libation to celebrate the earth and sky. All participants should wear white or silver robes or gowns, as well as jewelry containing carnelian or moonstone with silver accents. The coven leader will clean a chalice with rose water and dry it. Pour a cup of red wine into the chalice. Slice a ripe pomegranate in half and squeeze the juice into the chalice. Add a teaspoon honey, and have each member of the circle stir the potion with a magic wand. Go outside. Form a circle holding hands. The leader lifts the chalice, gives humble praise to the approaching Blood Moon, then takes a sip and passes the chalice clockwise around the circle. Each member also toasts the Blood Moon and drinks.


Things You’ll Need:
  • Candle
  • At least four sacred objects (crystals, feathers, etc), one to represent each of the four elements of air, water, fire and earth
  • Pen, or other writing tool
  • Paper

Set up your work space. Create an altar on a sturdy surface. Place each of the objects with a specific intention. For example, place a feather on your altar while intending that the element of air be present; intend for your spirit guides to be present when placing the candle on the altar, etc.Put your love into the space by using objects, scents and colors that you enjoy!If weather permits, you may create your ritual space outside too. Create a safe place to make a fire, or use a fire pit. If you can't make a fire, use a jar candle. Tap into the elements by creating an invocation, or prayer to honor fire, air, earth and water. Having your ritual outside under the light of the full moon is powerful, but not necessary.

Open the ceremony. Light the candle and take a few moments to focus yourself. If desired, you may say a prayer, call in your spirit guides, meditate or take a few breaths to get started. Burning incense or other herbs is also a great way to open ritual.

Write down anything you want to complete or release. For instance, "I want to complete and dissolve all attachments I have with any of my past lovers."The energy you put into your intention is important. It should always be in the positive, meaning there should never be an intent to hurt, damage or scorn anyone or anything. Focus on yourself only, and intend for completion and release.

When you're finished, review what you wrote. Read each intention outloud. Pause. Look into the flame of the candle and visualize the flame surrounding and dissolving what you want to let go of. If you are in a space where you can burn the paper, do so, but be sure to have a bowl of water for extinguishing.Allow yourself to feel gratitude for these events, people or things that were once in your life. Releasing in this way gives the energy back to the universe and is a great way to drop your "baggage."

Take a few deep breaths. Allow yourself to emote. When letting go, emotions can surface and these are a part of the completion process. Give yourself as much time as you need to.This is also a time to celebrate your completions as well! Feel your love and joy!

Close the ritual, by thanking the elements of nature, saying a prayer or anything else that you desire. Extinguish the fire or flame.

Other Full moon RITUAL IDEAS

From fourteen days after the new moon. Magick may be most potent at midnight. For divination, self-improvement, and any spell that requires extra potency. Rituals involving motivation, decision making, communications, knowledge, wisdom, spirit conjuration, dreams, premonitions, et al.





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