Changing Patterns using Transformation Pathways (Part #5)

Central portion of schematic below (as originally elaborated in Diagram of 384 Relationships between I Ching Hexagrams, 1983)
Circle of hexagrams surrounded by a circle of codons

*** add A T C G to diagram
It is appropriate to note the manner in which the ordered ring of hexagrams is divided vertically into two halves (or "hemispheres") and also into four quadrants (corresponding to the four DNA bases, as indicated). Also of relevance is the indication of the traditionally recognized patterns of transformation between the conditions indicated by the hexagrams -- fundamental to the alternative title of the I Ching as being the Book of Changes.
Six such transformations result from changes to any one line of a hexagram (from broken to unbroken, or vice versa). Other transformations result from changes to two or more lines together. Hexagram configurations are mirrored across any diameter of the circle as a consequence of transformations to all six lines.
Circumferential ring of codon combinations (according to the pattern in the The I Ching, or, Book of Changes as translated by Richard Wilhelm and Cary F. Baynes, 1967).
Ch'ien01 [CCC]34 [CCT]05 [CGG]26 [CGA]11 [CGT]09 [CGC]14 [CCA]43 [CCG]
Chên25 [GAC]51 [GAT]03 [GTG]27 [GTA]24 [GTT]42 [GTC]21 [GAA]17 [GAG]
K'an06 [AAC]40 [AAT]29 [ATG]04 [ATA]07 [ATT]59 [ATC]64 [AAA]47 [AAG]
Kên33 [TCC]62 [TCT]39 [TGG]52 [TGA]15 [TGT]53 [TGC]56 [TCA]31 [TCG]
K'un12 [TAC]16 [TAT]08 [TTG]23 [TTA]02 [TTT]20 [TTC]35[TAA]45 [TAG]
Sun44 [ACC]32 [ACT]48 [AGG]18 [AGA]46 [AGT]57 [AGC]50 [ACA]28 [ACG]
Li13 [GCC]55 [GCT]63 [GGG]22 [GGA]36 [GGT]37 [GGC]30 [GCA]49 [GCG]
Tui10 [CAC]54 [CAT]60 [CTG]41 [CTA]19 [CTT]61 [CTC]38 [CAA]58 [CAG]
It is appropriate to note the existence of of other patterns of hexagrams as summarized separately (Strategic Patterns in terms of Knowing, Feeling and Action, 2008).
1st 2nd (*T)3rdCodon
 2nd (*C)3rdCodon
 2nd (*A)3rdCodon
 2nd (*G)3rdCodon
Told_yin TTold_yinold_yinTTT [02] TCold_yangold_yinTCT
young_yangTTG [08] young_yangTCG
Cold_yang CTold_yinold_yinCTT

corresponding inversion -- undoing ***


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