My dear friends, we love you so very much,
If you could love yourselves, your real selves, then most of you would find yourself living a vastly different and more beautiful life. Self-Love, as we speak of it, is not simply "feeling good" about yourself. It is not feeling as if you are better than anyone else. It is not simply doing nice things for yourself. It is, instead, being willing to acknowledge the light of Divinity within you... no matter what.
Self love allows you to receive our help. Self love places you in an energy field of truth, in which the Creator and your angels have the ability to assist you. Self love makes you desire to be kind to others and compassionate even to those who hurt you.
When you give yourself the love you are seeking you do not depend on others to do it for you. When you acknowledge your own divine spark in even your darkest times, you can acknowledge it in others, even when they are in the depths of their own darkness. When you see who and what you truly are, you will not allow yourself to be in unkind circumstances for long... for you will know your power to create change and you will know that the entire universe is behind you.
Dear ones, make a vow to love yourself all the days of your life! Make a commitment to love yourself even when you are not feeling proud of your looks, your thoughts, your life... for in those cases, you need extra compassion, extra reminders of the truth. Make a commitment to love yourself even when others don't... and from this energy you will find that loving, guided action will always emerge.
We love you. We know who and what you are. You are nothing less than sparks of Divinity who come and take on a human form because you've forgotten this truth. Upon your earth you seek to remember, to re-experience the beauty, the love, the grace that lives inside you. You can choose to embrace the truth inside... even when you don't feel it, and in so doing, you will quickly return to love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Message From Ann 

I'm passionate about sharing self love because it changed my life. I thought I loved myself when I was younger, but I realized I loved the superficial - my job, my marriage, my looks. I didn't know who or what I was and when all that was stripped away in my late twenties/early thirties, I experienced not only an identity crisis, but a seriously long period of self-hatred. As a result, I attracted plenty of people to help put me down, verbally abuse me, and beat me up with their behaviors. I knew I had to change.

I started doing nice things for myself. That worked to a degree. But then I had a pretty serious injury a little over a decade ago and was grounded. This time I had to go within. I had to find who and what was inside of me to love when I could barely do anything for anyone else, let alone for myself. It was then I started to see myself as the angels do... and it changed my life. 

I no longer felt the need to please everyone. I started to put my own priorities first and was able to help others more. Within a year I was dating a man who became a dear friend and remains so to this day. I wrote books, spoke at conferences, and started to love not only myself, but my whole life, in a whole new way.

This is why I teach self love. I've seen its miracles firsthand, not only in my own life, but in the lives of friends, students, and clients. It is not just a "feel good" thing because you can love yourself even when you don't feel good. Its not just about being kind to yourself – that is a consequence. It is not about being better than anyone else, and it is the farthest thing from being selfish. It is, simply, living in a deep space of spiritual truth. Here are a few tips to help you embrace that space of self love this week... 

1. Look into your own eyes in the mirror every day...

As you look into your own eyes, say to yourself, whether you believe it or not, "I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. Breathe through resistance and blockages that will almost certainly come up. Just keep it up till you feel a softening.

2.Stop the self-criticism

I know this is a hard one! When I was unlearning old, bad, self-critical habits, the angels sent me the mirror... to apologize to myself!

Now if I catch myself in a self-criticism, I actually say to myself, "I'm so sorry honey..." and then something positive! Imagine a child came running up to you and said, "Someone called me ugly!!!" You would likely say, "Oh honey, I'm sorry! You're beautiful!" Do that for yourself when yourself call you ugly, a failure, stupid, etc... Be kind to you!

3. Realize self-love is an act of worshiping the Divinity within

Ask yourself... How would I treat myself if I knew that the Divine was having an experience of life on earth through me? 

When you embrace the deeper mystical truth that the Divine lives in you as surely as the ocean lives in each wave, you start to treat yourself, and others, with greater reverence and respect. You – the physical human you – are a temple for spirit. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself... and you are loving God. 

Shine on... I love you all!


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