Interactions with Extraterrestrials

Jeff Becker is a computer programmer for a small startup. His wife, Amy Metzger, is a technical writer. They both work remotely from their home near Bloomington, Indiana. Jeff is a US Navy veteran who was trained in and has taught naval nuclear power plant operation. He has an MS in Computer Science and has worked on artificial intelligence projects and a robotics project for the International Space Station. Amy has an MS in Linguistics, is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, has lived and worked in Taiwan, and has taught English as a second language both overseas and in the US. Both have martial arts experience and black belts in multiple martial arts. Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker Space, the Final Frontier I have been interested in space travel for as long as I can remember. One of my favorite story books as a child had pictures of rocket ships with big fins on sloped launching rails and talked about how we would all be travelling into space soon. I recall a time when I was staying over at a friend’s house. He had been taught to say his evening prayers, but I was being raised with very little exposure to religious concepts. When I asked about it, he explained prayer as wishing for things, so I suggested that we wish for a space ship to appear in the back yard. Nothing happened that night, but my passion remained. I was ten years old when Project Gemini started in 1965. I watched the developing space program with great interest. I built many plastic models of jets, cars, and ships in those years, and of course a model of the Apollo moon rocket with the Lunar Excursion Module. I was glued to the television when the Apollo moon landings happened in the late 60’s and early 70’s. I wanted to be there too! I also had an interest in boats and sailing, and that interest led me to join the US Navy when I turned 18. I was more than a bit of a nerd and my high test scores convinced the Navy recruiter to steer me into the nuclear power program. That meant signing up for six years rather than four, but I decided to go for it since nuclear power seemed to be a growth industry; a bit naïve perhaps, but the Three Mile Island accident hadn’t happened yet. I graduated near the top of my class and was asked to stay on as an instructor for two years at NPTU (Nuclear Power Training Unit) Idaho, in the desert west of Idaho Falls. Not a lot of boats or sailing out there. In the fall of 1977, I was assigned to a submarine based out of Point Loma, California. I was reading a fair amount of science fiction at the time. Robert A. Heinlein was one of my favorite authors. But I was also doing a bit of spiritual seeking, and read books like the Koran and stories of the Buddha. I ran across a book by George Adamski, Inside the Flying Saucers, in the discount rack at a Paths to Contact 252 grocery store. I was entranced. Since he mentioned living near Mount Palomar, and it wasn’t that far away, I decided to take a weekend trip to Mount Palomar to look for him. I stopped at the post office, and a postman there said flat out that the guy was a fraud. Since I wasn’t aware of things like disinformation campaigns, I accepted the postman’s word. That ended the quest. Awakening#1 Somehow, the vision Adamski portrayed of intelligent loving beings who were not of this planet stuck with me anyway. I wanted to meet them, and I wanted to go into space with them as Adamski had described. I remember meditating on the California coast, asking the ETs to “Take me!” I opened my eyes to see a red ball of light shooting away to my left along the coast at incredible speed. At the time I thought it must have been a military jet on afterburners flying away from me since all I could see was a red glow. The funny thing is, as I recall it now, there was no sound. I found myself in the midst of a spiritual awakening. My heart was burning for a connection with things greater than myself, but mostly I was searching for truth. I met many Mormons while living in Idaho and they spoke freely about knowing the truth. I also admired their focus on family life and kindness. So, I decided to find out more. The welcome I received felt like coming home. The warmth and kindness was just what I needed at the time. It was a purely emotional decision when I decided this was for me. Like most things I do, I did not just merrily coast along. I read the Bible and the Book of Mormon from cover to cover in a matter of few weeks. The missionaries who were working with me to introduce me to the church found this quite unusual. I collected other church literature and started reading that as well. After a few months, the submarine I was assigned to was deployed for a period of time at sea. I was still doing a lot of reading of Mormon literature, and something I read convinced me to attempt to be totally truthful in everything I did. You would think that this would be easy being isolated on a submarine, but this was not the case. There were logs of pressure and temperature readings to be filled out as well as work to do. Actually checking each gauge as frequently as required was almost a full time job. Most people skipped their rounds occasionally and just filled in rows of the log with numbers copied from the row above. These things didn’t change that much. Also, there were planned maintenance tasks to do. Some of these were skipped if the machinery was working properly because doing the job could cause more trouble than leaving things alone. You still had to sign a form saying the job had been done. When I went ahead and did some of these tasks, my inexperience caused problems that others had to fix. I was in the middle of my experiment with absolute truthfulness when the captain of the boat announced an amnesty program for drug users. The nuclear Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 253 navy had a zero tolerance policy towards drug use. While in Idaho, I had friends and roommates who were frequent users of marijuana, and I had succumbed to peer pressure at parties a few times. I never bought any myself and, unlike some of my friends, I never went to work under the influence. As a Mormon, I was avoiding all drugs including caffeine, but I decided I had to fill out the paperwork and confess. The rest of my time in the Navy was spent on a conventional (non-nuclear) destroyer. At least I finally got some time at sea on the water instead of under it. We were in the Indian Ocean when actions to remove the Shah of Iran from power began. I finished my six years in 1979 and went back to school on the GI Bill and the Illinois Veterans Scholarship. I started in general engineering, but was attracted to computers and became excited about computer programming as a form of creative expression. I was still quite active in the Mormon church, but my logical side began to assume dominance again. I finally had to admit to myself that like all other religions I had encountered, the Mormon religion was a belief system. There was plenty of talk about “truth,” but try as I might, I could not find the justification for such talk. My internal conflict revolved around my understanding of evolution, but mostly since I was seeking truth rather than belief, I had to move on. It was heartbreaking, but in 1980 I decided to leave the Mormon religion and my Mormon friends behind and resume the rational atheist ways that had served me so well for most of my life. A Man of Science Real life ensued. I fell in love and was married in 1981, finished my BS in Computer Science in 1983, and my MS in Computer Science in 1985 at the University of Illinois. My master’s thesis was about Machine Learning, which is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI). I got a job right away working with an AI research group at a Martin Marietta plant south of Denver, where they also built rocket boosters. My first daughter was born later in 1985, and my second daughter was born in 1987. Over the years I would periodically check in on the subject of UFOs to see if there were any interesting developments. I suspected there was something to some of the stories, but proof was always elusive. Even though my degrees were in Computer Science, I was required to take a physics sequence. I have always enjoyed physics and I did very well in those classes. I read about cosmology for entertainment. I found A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking to be a pleasant bit of light reading. As I learned more science, I grew to accept that Paths to Contact 254 cosmic distances could be a real problem for interstellar travel, and that any kind of field propulsion1 was inconsistent with physics as I understood it. As a researcher in Artificial Intelligence, I learned more about the how the brain worked and I was convinced that there was nothing more to mind than the functioning of the brain. I knew that human beings were wonderfully intelligent animals, but there was no such thing as an eternal soul, telepathy, clairvoyance, or any of that rot. I subscribed to Scientific American and The Skeptical Inquirer, and read almost all of the books Carl Sagan ever wrote. I wrote a science fiction story I called The Rationalists Handbook to amuse myself, but never tried to publish it. Along the way I quit my job at Martin Marietta, set up an office at home, and went to work for myself developing and selling a vector graphics editing program called Top Draw. It actually did reasonably well and for nearly six years I made about as much as I would have staying at Martin. But it took a lot of time and energy, and I was nearing burnout. As sales of Top Draw started to wind down, my marriage was also falling apart. About that time I received a call from the owner of a small startup based on the recommendation of a friend from Martin Marietta who had joined the startup a few months earlier. I signed on and I got to continue working from home which was a blessing since my soon-to-be-ex and I had decided on joint custody of our daughters. Not long after the divorce was final, at my 25th high school reunion (Uni High class of ’72!), I met Amy, the woman who was to become my second wife. Three years later we were married, and normal life continued as my daughters made their way through their high school years, graduated, and went off to college. After a couple of years we decided to move back to the Midwest to be closer to family. Awakening #2 In the spring of 2007 we moved from the Denver area to Bloomington, Indiana. Late in 2007 I decided to go looking for the latest UFO information again and I ran across The Disclosure Project videos on the Internet. The witnesses were highly credible. They had recordings, sightings with multiple witnesses, and they were willing to testify to what they had seen before Congress. This started me on a path of investigation that continues to this day. I have read and accumulated shelves full of books on what I like to call “esoteric” technology, in depth studies of UFO and ET contact cases, biographies of astronauts who have seen UFOs, and much more. If UFOs existed and performed as described, they were not using rockets, they were using some kind of field propulsion. I found evidence that there were people 1 For a brief explanation of what field propulsion is and how it might work, see the Glossary. For a more in-depth analysis, see Unconventional Flying Objects by Paul R. Hill.. Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 255 who had discovered a relationship between electric fields and gravity, and who had produced devices to use the effect. A man named T. Townsend Brown had even patented such a device2 . There were others who described building and operating a craft using similar principles3 . I even found documented evidence that an area of research called “electrogravitics” was being investigated by well-known aerospace companies4 . I found evidence that people had discovered a different type of electric current, a “cold” electricity, the opposite of what we think of as electricity in many ways, that could be used with appropriately designed devices to produce power from the vacuum of space. Several inventors had discovered this effect independently5 . Others who have studied the science behind this phenomenon in considerable depth have created sophisticated power generation devices and nearly brought them to market6 . I found evidence that research into these gravitational effects and power generation units was suppressed and the researchers and inventors were dealt with severely if they persisted in attempting to make this information public or manufacture and sell such devices. Professors have lost their jobs, and inventors have been threatened, slapped with fabricated lawsuits, bought out, and murdered7 . I also found that many UFO cases involved telepathic contact between people and the beings they were interacting with8 . This was so common that it was inconceivable that so many witnesses would independently make such similar statements. My understanding of how the mind worked was simply incompatible with this. I could either deny the data, as so many scientists had done, or accept that my understanding was not correct. My understanding of how things worked was shattered. I spent most of one day laughing uncontrollably at how wrong I had been. In many ways, this was liberating news. It opened up many possibilities I had been longing for, and some that I had not previously considered. I came to realize that a belief in the infallibility of our current scientific understanding of the universe can be just as dogmatic, in its own way, as any religious belief. It can exclude phenomena that rightly should be studied but instead are ridiculed. It is a dogma that makes all 2 US Patents 2949550, 3187206 Electrokinetic Apparatus 3 Ralph Ring and Otis Carr, see 4 Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology by Thomas Malone, ISBN 0-9641070-0-7 5 Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity by Dr. Peter Lindemann 6 Tom Bearden’s Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG): 7 Stanley Meyer, Edwin Gray, Dr. Eugene Mallove, and others. 8 The Invitation by Sixto Paz Wells, ISBN 1-887472-29-0 Paths to Contact 256 “paranormal” subjects professionally taboo. Looking back, it’s difficult to explain why I found this shattering of my belief system so hilarious, but I did. When I discovered the CSETI program I decided I needed to go and see whether they could teach me how to make ET contact as their literature claimed. While I was convinced that UFOs existed and were piloted by intelligent beings who were not of this earth, I was fully prepared to be disappointed. CSETI was created by the same man who organized the Disclosure Project, Dr. Steven Greer. Part of the preparation included reading several of Dr. Steven Greer’s books. One book in particular, Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge really pegged my “weirdshit-o-meter.” I just wasn’t quite ready for some of the subjects he talks about in this book. Here was Siddhartha in scrubs, a country doctor who at the age of 17 had a near death experience and was shown the other side. He had an intuitive ability that saved lives. Oh, and he regularly visited with and was an emissary for extraterrestrials. Another part of the preparation included regular meditation. One night I was practicing the protocol, which involves projecting yourself in thought into space, making contact, inviting the ETs to your location on the earth, and guiding them by visualizing zooming in to your location on the planet. It was late, so I left the message that I was going to bed and if they came by, they should knock. I was startled awake by three very loud bangs on the house near our bedroom window. To this day I don’t know if I dreamed this or if it was real, but I sprang out of bed with my heart pounding and went outside to check. There was nothing there. First Contact I left home early on the morning of September 28, 2008 and drove for over ten hours to a small town just outside of Charlottesville, Virginia, where I would be staying for a week of CSETI Ambassador to the Universe Training. I checked in to the hotel and then headed over to the location where the training was being held for dinner and socializing. There were about forty of us altogether, with participants from all around the US, and even a few from Europe and Asia. The purpose of the ambassador training was to teach people the protocols and background information, so that they can go back to their own areas, organize groups, and train others on the process of contacting ETs. About 8:30 p.m. we started the first outdoor session. We arranged our chairs into a circle so that people would be observing the sky in every direction. It also made it easy to join hands for certain meditations and made it possible for people to hear each other. When Dr. Greer started talking about a personal ET contact experience that he mentioned in his book9 , a sequence of flashes appeared in the northeast sky about sixty degrees above the horizon. There were at least eight 9 Contact: Countdown to Transformation, by Dr. Steven M. Greer, M.D., pg. 119 Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 257 flashes in a random pattern with varying brightness ranging from more than the brightness Jupiter to maybe half as bright. The light was not a point source but a disc about the size of a large pea held at arm’s length. One person with binoculars reported seeing the light coming from a blue craft that he could see moving between the flashes. This was an unmistakable sighting, unlike any aircraft or satellite. I was thrilled! It was a fabulous way to start. It seemed to me that the ETs were watching the proceedings and interacting. After profusely thanking the ETs (in thought) for this appearance, I saw a bright streak of light that underlined the area where the random flashes had appeared. The timing was such that I may have been the only one that saw it. After the session ended and I was back in my hotel I asked (in thought) what the meaning of this streak was. I silenced my thoughts and waited. “You’re welcome,” were the words that entered my mind. The second night session was well attended “upstairs.” There were repeating flashes in the southwestern sky near Aquarius for long periods of time. The flashes occurred about every eleven seconds and the brightness was about first magnitude. These displays of repeating flashes continued for long periods of time every night for the rest of the week. Many flash sequences were recorded using a video camera equipped with a high-quality night vision device.10 New variations were introduced each night. The time between the flashes changed from being very regular at roughly eleven second intervals to being much more variable at around nine to fifteen second intervals. The brightness of the flashes became more variable and the craft started to move about more. One night I was watching a sequence of flashes with my binoculars and I saw a faint curved streak as the craft moved to a new location. Following the direction of that streak I spotted the craft in its new position and watched it continue to flash. I watched another craft through my binoculars as it continued flashing while apparently moving off into space and becoming much fainter. The final evening ended with a craft flashing periodically while moving in a long arc across the sky and through the zenith near Andromeda. Beside the flashes, there were other phenomena. Streaks of light often seemed to occur in response to discussion within the group. There were also numerous meteors during the week that resembled nothing so much as a Fourth of July sparkler travelling across the sky. They travelled slowly, put out a lot of light, and shed an incredible number of sparks. They looked almost like fireworks. They were always right over the group, not off in the distance. It was and remains my impression that these were artificial, produced by the ETs for our enjoyment. One evening there was an interesting weather effect. At break time, a thick fog rolled 10 An edited version of that video is available on a DVD that comes with the book Contact: Countdown to Transformation available at Paths to Contact 258 in. It was so thick that as we sat down it was difficult to see the far side of the circle. It was also quite cold. Almost as soon as we were seated, the fog cleared in what looked like a ring extending 100 yards in all directions. It was very clear within the circle, and it warmed up a few degrees. We also practiced meditation several times each day for the entire week. In deep meditation on the last night I felt that some kind of connection formed, and I got a very clear visual of moving down a curved corridor. It seemed that I was being given a tour of a ship! I was startled because I’ve never experienced anything like that before and quickly lost focus. It was very nearly like someone else playing a movie in my mind, and not at all like dreaming. Cosmic Vibrating Beds Sunday afternoon I was talking to one of the old hands, Ricky Butterfass11 , who has been to CSETI sessions since they first started. We carpooled to the training site from the hotel so I got to hear a lot of his stories. He’s seen some amazing things. He also told me about how earlier in the day during a meditation involving a making a ball of light spin around his body, his room started vibrating. He thought he might be causing it, so he stopped the meditation. About 12:20 on Monday afternoon, just as I sat down in my hotel room to meditate, the building started shaking. The picture on the wall over the bed started to rattle, as did the lamp on my table. I got up and investigated. I touched the wall and could feel it shaking. Then I just stood there and basked in the vibration. I have no idea why, but it seemed appropriate at the time. The frequency seemed to be about 5Hz and it seemed to be fairly localized. After about five minutes the frequency wound down and the vibration stopped. One logical explanation for this phenomenon would be a vibrating bed in the next room. I checked, and there were no vibrating beds to be found anywhere in the hotel. By Wednesday, other people were talking about experiencing the room vibrations as well. Were there construction workers on the roof? I checked by walking over to the adjacent wing and looking back at the roof over our rooms. There were none. Was it an earthquake? No, the vibrations were far too localized. There was a laundry room down the hall. Was it an out of balance washer on spin cycle? No, the vibrations moved from room to room. Once when I was standing on the outdoor walkway I could tell that the vibrations were in a room about three doors down. It was that localized. On Thursday, after talking to my wife Amy on the phone about the vibrations people were experiencing and telling her I thought it was the ETs doing it, I picked up the remote control to turn on the TV. Push, push, push, the power button 11 Ricky Butterfass is a contributor to this book. Also, find out more about his CSETI experiences in Contact: Countdown to Transformation. Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 259 doesn’t work. “Either the batteries are dead, or this is a hint,” I thought. I decided to take it as a hint and sat down to meditate. The “vibrating bed” started up again, centered on my location. After one cycle (about five minutes) I felt quite warm. A short while later the vibration started up again but the effect faded when I took notice and my meditation lost focus. For no identifiable reason, I was of the opinion by then that the vibration was therapeutic, so I thought “if this is good for me, please continue using your own best judgment.” The vibration continued for another cycle leaving me warm and a bit tingly. I took this double cycle as confirmation that I had discerned the source of the vibrations correctly. I tried out the remote control again later in the day and it worked just fine. They Followed Me Home We were told that we had each been assigned an ET contact, so I kept that contact in my thoughts for most of the long drive home. Many times during that day I asked for some indication from my ET associate to show that he/she/they were still with me. I went outside on my back porch that night at about 1:30 a.m. and immediately saw one of those marvelous sparkling shooting stars like the ones we had seen repeatedly during the week. I also asked for another manifestation, leaving the details open. About a week later, the smoke alarm in our upstairs hallway started going off. I was downstairs, but could hear it alarming randomly. It would alarm for thirty seconds or so and then stop. About the third time it did this I was nearby, so I took it off the ceiling and put it on the dining room table. It kept alarming randomly. Instead of the usual beep-beep-beep pause beep-beep-beep pause pattern of a normal alarm, it would do one or two or three beeps in a random pattern. Finally, I took the battery out to make it stop. I was suspicious that this might be the manifestation I had requested, so the next day I put the battery back in and set the smoke alarm on the desk where I work. Shortly after noon, it started up with the random beeps again. I wrote down the number of beeps between pauses, looking for some kind of pattern, but it was just random. I went into meditation and thought “Thanks guys, I get it, but it’s just too loud.” The smoke alarm immediately went silent and stayed that way. I put it back on the ceiling and it’s been fine ever since. The Central Indiana CSETI Working Group In the spring of 2009 I decided it was time to be part of a local CSETI working group. I was hoping that there was already one in the area that I could join, so I googled “Bloomington IN CSETI” and lo, a professor at Indiana University listed CSETI experience on his personal web page. I contacted him, we did lunch, he introduced me to another friend of his, also a CSETI training alum, did another lunch with a group of his friends, and there was sufficient interest that Paths to Contact 260 I decided to choose a location and set a time for an outing. I set up a Google Group so we could communicate, and scouted a few locations. It’s one thing to be part of a group led by Dr. Greer and see ETV (Extraterrestrial Vehicle) activity. It’s quite another to lead a group and find out the ETs are responding to your thoughts and suggestions. At first, I was quite nervous about the prospect of getting people together and then having nothing happen. I spent quite a bit of time by myself under the stars seeking reassurance, and my friends in high places were quite generous about signaling to me that they were still there. CSETI encourages sending in reports of working group activities, so I decided to keep a running record of all of my working group and independent sightings. Here are a few examples. First Outing, April 25, 2009 There were eight of us in the circle, three of us CSETI training alums, one with an independent daytime sighting earlier this year. There was one very good event (a double flash) that not all of us saw, but it was almost certainly a CE5, along with some alleged shooting stars that we are still discussing. I'm leaning towards ET craft for a couple of those alleged shooting stars. Our observation and recording skills could use a bit of polishing, but I think we did pretty well for a first try. I hope our little group can continue to work together in increasing harmony both within and with the universe. Second Outing, Saturday June 27, 2009 We spent quite a bit of time Saturday evening socializing and sharing experiences. When it got dark, the six of us went outside and did a couple of group meditations. The response was fairly quick. There were about a dozen flashes over the period of an hour. One flash was particularly bright (many times brighter than the brightest stars), but most were about the same as the brightest stars. In most cases, more than one person saw each flash and could confirm it. There was also a streak or two, not confirmed. It was a hazy, overcast night, but we had openings in the clouds above us for a couple of hours. Since flashes were the primary mode of interaction at the CSETI training I attended, I was delighted with the response and grateful that our star friends took time to interact with us. Others in the group are impatient for something more. All in due time, folks! Family Outing, July 25, 2009 Last Saturday night our power was out for several hours. My family and I (three of us) found ourselves out in the driveway looking at the stars. With no real prompting the ETs decided to give us a bit of a show. There was a very bright flash between the big and little dippers followed by a series of flashes at 5 to 10 Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 261 second intervals heading off north eastward then curving to the north. There were flashes in other locations as well, including several at the zenith. Many of the flashes were seen by two or more of us. This had been the date of a full group outing but I decided to reschedule for next Saturday, August 1, because a new member and some others couldn't make it that night. Some of us had already meditated to schedule the July 25th date with the ETs. We also meditated to change the date to August 1st prior to last Saturday. Maybe some of them didn't get the memo on the schedule change ;-). I should also add that I've had numerous solo interactions over the past months. Often it is just a single flash or streak in response to a thought or question, but one night a couple weeks ago blew me away with the amount of activity below the clouds. The next morning I was out early for a walk, it was very foggy, and there was a big flash, a large disc of light, as big as a penny at arm’s length, just over the trees across a field, no more than 300 yards away. I spent at least a week confirming that it wasn't any of the lights in the area (all two of them). I had been requesting a closer sighting, and this was it. Because I wasn’t expecting it, I was gobsmacked and my head was spinning for weeks. I latched on to “Learning to Fly” by Pink Floyd as my theme song: “Can’t keep my eyes from the circling sky. Tongue tied and twisted just an earthbound misfit, I.” Just Say “No” One evening I was “thinking at the sky,” contemplating our recent outings and some occurrences during the outings, and I made an observation about something I thought was important. Immediately there was a horizontal streak near the southern horizon. I thought, “I’ll take that as a yes.” Being a computer programmer and a user interface designer, it occurred to me that it would be useful if they could also tell me “no.” So, I made the suggestion that if they wanted to indicate “no,” that they should make a vertical line in the sky from high to low. I also traced the motion with my eyes. There was no response that night, but a few nights later I was asking if they could display a particular type of craft at the next group outing as a confirmation of something a group member had seen independently. There was a streak from north to south at the zenith. I thought, “I’ll take that as a no.” Immediately, there was a horizontal streak at the horizon. I had to laugh because the streak at the zenith could be taken as ambiguous and the timing was such that I didn’t know if the second streak was a correction to “yes,” or a confirmation, i.e., “you got that right, it’s no.” As it turned out, it was the latter, and they had already been using a north to south streak (or alleged meteor) at the zenith to indicate “no” or “not tonight,” I just hadn’t figured it out. For our third outing on August 1st of 2009, the weather was pretty bad and we had to adjourn indoors for a while to escape the rain. We had a wonderful Paths to Contact 262 exchange of experiences during that time. The rain stopped but low heavy clouds remained. I said to the group, "Let's go see if our friends are ready to say 'hi' to us," and we headed out again. Before I stepped off the side entry step there was a very bright vertical streak in the direction of where our chairs were set up. The streak had discernible width, like a telephone pole at 100 yards, was below the clouds, and quite close. It was so fast and so low, I was expecting a crash. I did not, in fact take no for an answer and as we walked out to the chairs I asked in thought if a new member who had driven a long distance might see something. He reported seeing on oval disk of light across the field to the north. But, there was nothing else that night. What I found amazing was that they had the kindness and consideration to come out on a stormy night and say “no” rather than just let us sit there and be disappointed. Another use of the vertical “no” signal was confounded by this sighting: Solo Sighting, Tuesday, August 11, 2009 I stepped out onto the back porch around 9:30 p.m. It was dusk, not fully dark. I looked up and thought “oh look, Jupiter.” Then “Jupiter” faded out as if turned off by a dimmer switch. I watched the clouds for a while, but they weren’t moving. I then thought, wait a minute, Jupiter isn’t supposed to be in that position yet. I thanked our friends for the signal. I went inside and came back out after midnight. There was Jupiter in the position the signal had been earlier in the evening. The interesting thing about this sighting is that it was not in response to a request. It was a gift. Here’s the other use of the “no” signal: Solo Sighting, Friday, August 21, 2009 4:00 a.m. I couldn’t sleep because of caffeine after picking my daughter up at the Indianapolis airport after midnight. The sky was clear and the Milky Way amazing. I was looking to the southeast and saw a small streak. I thanked our friends for the “hello” but added the thought that that was right at the edge of my field of vision. There immediately followed a long diagonal streak upper left to lower right in the middle of my field of vision at tremendous speed. Over the next couple of minutes there followed another four short streaks that gradually led my gaze to the southwest. The final longer streak started just above and to the left of Jupiter and went straight down (the “no” signal) as if to say “No Jupiter.” A reminder of the August 11th sighting. Solo Sighting, Sunday, August 23, 2009 10:30 p.m. Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 263 The Jupiter signals on August 11 and 21 reminded me of the ending to the movie “2010: The Year We Make Contact” where the monolith replicates itself, collapses Jupiter, and creates a new star (no more Jupiter). In meditation I requested a bright flash near Jupiter if Jupiter was really going to collapse and turn into a new star. I went outside and there was indeed a bright flash (3x Jupiter’s brightness). But, instead of being near Jupiter, the flash was about 6 hours ahead of Jupiter’s location at the time, near where the “no Jupiter” signal had been given at 4 am two nights ago. So, my best guess at the moment is that Jupiter will be just fine, the signals were intended to remind me of the 2010 movie, and the title is significant. I guess we will find out soon enough one way or the other. Clearly 2010 was not a huge contact year, although some people noticed trends of increasing activity. So what was the second “no” signal about? It took me a while to figure this one out, mostly because I didn’t want to know the answer. In fact, they were using exactly the same protocol as they had used for the group outing, and the object of interest was directly below the signal. The object below the signal was a garage that I use for a shop. Those who understand a bit about how the universe works will understand the following and why it is significant to this discussion. Earlier in 2009 there was a power failure at my house. It turned out to be the main breaker on a power pole between my house and shop. When the electrician came in to make emergency repairs, he connected up the house but not the shop. When I tried to schedule the electrical work to make replace the breaker box, the first electrician was unavailable. He kept promising to do the work but never showed up. A second electrician showed up, looked around, and then was impossible to contact. It took months to find an electrician who actually wanted to do the work. Why was I given the signal “no shop?” I have some ideas about that, but I need to keep them private for now. It is interaction sequences like the ones related to the “no” signal where it really sinks in that you are dealing with an intelligent being, and that being has a personality. A very nice personality. I am continually astounded that they will take the time to come out and signal to me just because I am thinking at the sky. As Amy has pointed out, it all seems quite cryptic at times. It is unclear why this is so. It may be that they are such gentle creatures that they don’t want to be responsible for causing us stress. It may be that they are operating under some set of rules that we are unaware of. It may be that communicating with us at all is simply a difficult thing to do. All of this is unclear to me. Yet it is quite clear that what many disregard as merely “lights in the sky” are important phenomena that, when interacted with over time, provide insight into the intelligence behind them. Paths to Contact 264 A clear picture of a fully materialized ET craft would not provide the same insight. After all, which is more important, the vehicle or the driver? Rio Rico 2009 Conference As the summer of 2009 ended and it was about to be too cold for working group outings in Indiana, I decided it would be nice to attend another CSETI event. I chose an event being held in Rio Rico, Arizona, from October 24th to the 26th. This conference corresponded to the release of a new book by Dr. Steven Greer, named Contact: Countdown to Transformation. All attendees received a copy of the book and an accompanying DVD of contact videos. During the first night session I saw many anomalous streaks and flashes. My favorite was a zenith-to-horizon streak. It was extremely fast, traversing that distance in less than a second. I didn’t see the start so it could have been horizonto-horizon. During the second night session I saw around a dozen streaks of various speeds and brightness in various directions and a couple of flashes. More were reported by other members of the group. During a tribute to those who made sacrifices to help get the truth out, I saw three beautiful long, slow, sparkly shooting stars in a row, all on parallel tracks from east to west. It was a touching display. On the final night, a few minutes into the break, a repeat flash started (roughly nine second interval). The flashes were quite bright since the craft was close to the half-full moon. It meandered upward passing behind some thin clouds at one point but remaining visible through the clouds. Flashes were reported in other areas of the sky as well. Later, I saw a teardrop shaped craft move from Andromeda to Cassiopeia following a line I had just traced with my eyes. For me, the best part of this conference was the side conversations with old friends and new. Even though I had only attended one other training, I now had a full year of independent sightings and other experiences. While I was still a newbie compared to people who have been to many trainings and/or run working groups for many years, I found that I had a lot to share with people who were just getting started. It was interesting to me that a number of people I talked to who were new to CSETI already had UFO experiences. It was also interesting to me that these experiences often involved their children and/or them when they were children. Off-Season Sightings There is a sliding glass door in my living room on the south side of the house. In the summer I’ll go out on the back porch to look at the stars, but in the winter I sit on the floor by the sliding glass door. Indiana tends to be cloudy for much of the winter, but occasionally we get clear crisp nights and a better view of the stars than at any time during the summer. Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 265 Thursday, December 10, 2009, 11:15 p.m. It’s a brilliant clear night out tonight but much too cold to go outside for any length of time without extreme bundling up. So, I decided to sit on the floor near the patio door (sliding glass door). Within the first minute there was a long very bright very fast streak from the top left of the door angling to the right that went almost to the horizon. It was the tear drop shaped craft again, close enough that the shape was obvious. It has been a while, so I was very grateful for the kind attention of my friends in high places. Thursday, March 4, 2010 9:00 p.m. We had just arrived home from eating out for Amy’s birthday and it was a beautiful clear night. We got out of the car and were standing in the driveway. As I reached into the car to get some things, Amy saw a very bright streak, the brightest thing in the sky, just to the left of Orion. The streak was orange hued and travelled down towards Sirius about the length of Orion’s belt, and then back up about half the distance that it had travelled down. Unmistakable! Too bad I missed it, but it was a great birthday present for Amy! Working Group Outings Resume Running a working group is incredibly rewarding because you get to meet so many interesting people. I’m basically a shy person and don’t like being the center of attention. The notion that I would be leading meditations for a group like this would have been inconceivable only a few years ago. Not all working group outings are as eventful as this one, but we are rarely disappointed. Saturday, April 10, 2010 This was our biggest gathering to date, nine people in all, and this was the first outing of this sort for four of them. In spite of the fact that I had received an indication from the ETs of their support earlier in the week (three streaks one evening, and more another evening), as organizer and host, I always get a bit nervous. Will the evening be a bust? Will some people be disappointed? ET activity started shortly after 9:00 p.m.. We had the chairs arranged and had gone through the compass directions and how to report sightings, but hadn’t done meditations or anything like that and weren’t settled in. The sun had just set. It was not fully dark yet. Most of us saw a slowly moving light that appeared in the east moving to the ESE, near Saturn, very bright, brighter than Mars, almost as bright as Venus. Then it simply disappeared. In binoculars, it simply looked like a bright light. There were no flashing marker lights. One of the group thought it looked like his previous sightings of the International Space Station (ISS), but a check later on the visibility of the ISS and other satellite visibility for that time period turned up negative. Paths to Contact 266 There was a series of flashes in the northwest at a five to ten second interval, varying in brightness, and moving slowly towards the north-northeast. With binoculars, no object was visible between the flashes. These were very similar to flashes I saw at my first CSETI training in Virginia, and distinctly ET. I think everyone saw some of this sequence. There were also some flashes observed near Procyon. After that exciting introduction by the ETs, I carried on with the introduction I had planned. We did a brief sky tour. There were four planets visible, Venus and Mercury in the west, Mars above, and Saturn to the east. We also went through the names of some stars and constellations. We did a group meditation and settled in for further observations. Lorna reported a streak to the south in the vicinity of Mars. Then there was one very big streak low in the north that was directly in front of the person who requested it (Nancy). It was wide and bright. Many people in the group saw it. There was also an actual meteor to the north a little later observed by a number of people: A nice assist to help people learn the difference. There was a bright streak in the SW travelling to the north. Several people saw it. It was a bit ambiguous but probably not a meteor. There was another streak to the south. There was a moderate speed dim streak that travelled from horizon to horizon from the northeast to the southeast, about 45 degrees up, seen by one person. A big “wow,” and Amy was delighted to see it. There were a number of flashes of varying brightness, most quite dim, most seen by just one person. It was also a big night for satellites. Out of 23 on the Heavens Above12 schedule for the night, I think we spotted at least 10. It was an amazing night for our humble group. It is a pleasure and a privilege for me to be able to introduce people to this experience and to meet with others who are interested in sharing these experiences on a regular basis. Satellites and Alleged Satellites One night in early May, I took Amy out to show her an Iridium flare. Iridium satellites are used for satellite phone communication and they have large solar panels. When viewed at the proper angle, the reflection of the sun on these panels can be bright enough to be seen during the day. Satellite tracking programs such as Heavens Above can be used to determine when and where these bright reflections, or “flares” will occur. As we were waiting, I spotted what I thought was a slow moving satellite. It kept moving slower, and slower, and finally stopped and parked. I noted the location, and kept an eye on it while watching for the Iridium flare. It just stayed there for the rest of the time we were out. 12 See Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 267 The Iridium flare was not very bright, but distinctive enough that Amy was pleased. We stayed out to watch the object that I thought was the parked ET craft, but it didn’t move. I’ve been seeing events I’ve started to call “drive-by flashes.” It looks like a satellite, but then it flashes. After a while, Amy went in but I stayed out. There was a drive-by single flash to the southwest by a northward moving object, and a drive-by multiple flash, four or five flashes at about a five second interval, starting very bright and getting gradually dimmer, by an object in the southeast moving southward. The objects could be seen between flashes as a dim light, looking rather like a satellite. Tumbling satellites are known to make flashes like this, so such sightings are ambiguous at best. But, satellites never slow to a stop. Riders on the Storm During our working group outing, Saturday, June 12, 2010, there was a monster thunderstorm that kept us inside for much of the evening. The events of that evening were anything but boring. From Nancy in her own words: I was attending our monthly CSETI protocol meeting with eight of us attending. Three of us had intuitive guidance that we would have contact that evening. Right after our last member arrived a tremendous storm erupted. (High winds, heavy rain and lots of lightening). At one point the men gravitated to the back porch, while the women gravitated towards the front porch. I sat down between the two women on the porch. It was a fascinating storm. The lightning flashes were almost constant. Some were shooting sideways in a bizarre fashion. The thunder was loud, but the rumbling kind...not the sharp "crack" kind that can make you feel nervous and unsafe. It was amazing how comfortable we were with all this going on around us. I turned to the women and said, "this is not a naturally occurring thunder storm. In a few minutes I could sense a HUGE if there was an enormous mother ship (or a similar presence) directly above us. The energy from this presence was so big and strong it felt like a very heavy, highly charged weight hanging overhead. At this point my whole body began to shake very hard. I must have looked like I was having convulsions. The energy was tremendous but I was trying very hard to keep it at a minimum, fearing the other members might become alarmed. I was sobbing and speaking some weird language that I speak sometimes in my sleep and when I was at Mt. Shasta. This lasted for a little while then it slowly went away as the storm lessened and moved on. We than moved into the house and discovered the electricity was out. After a short break we decided to hold an indoor meditation while waiting for the sky to clear. Paths to Contact 268 During the meditation I saw the current state of Mother Earth and the disasters that are taking place. Then I saw a giant rainbow out in space directly over Earth. The rainbow was in the shape of a heart! As I continued to watch I saw all the peoples of Earth come together and begin to think as one, realizing we are all one. Suddenly a golden spiral light shot out from the people of Earth into the universe. At this time there was an emergence on Earth of all the beings living in the mountains, below ground, etc. They were coming forth to help us rebuild our civilization from a new, enlightened standpoint. I then heard a message seemingly about the mental shift in consciousness of humans towards ETs. The message from mankind said..."I met what I had perceived to be a monster...but instead discovered a brother." At this point I asked if there was any more messages and I heard...”Know this, we are always with you. It is time for us to participate in your knowing. We have come.” After the meditation those who chose to share their experience did so. As soon as the last person shared their experience the lights came on! We then proceeded with our outdoor meeting. There were no stars visible, but in a few minutes the sky directly overhead cleared and we were able to view a few streaks and flashes! I was astonished at the night’s events. I hadn't expected anything like this...a small craft overhead, way up high (maybe) ...but nothing like this! I'm not sure if we were being tested , or are being prepared...? (maybe both?) Thank you ET friends, thank you Spirit & Universe! We anxiously await your further participation in our contact efforts! From Lorna in her own words: I am a witness to Nancy's experience on Jeff's front porch 06.12.10. I, too, sensed profound tingling in my body, especially the palms of my hands, and attributed it to the electric charge in the air, so I was not surprised when Nancy said that this was not a naturally-occurring thunder storm. I was remembering an experience I had had during a storm on June 25, 2009. The storm we were experiencing Saturday night, June 12, 2010 seemed eerily similar. The primary participant was clearly Nancy, and I was grateful to be an observer of her extraordinary experience. While Amy, Nancy, and I observed the storm, I became aware that Nancy seemed to be in some sort of distress. She was breathing oddly and I was aware that there were tears on her face. She had her hands stretched before her, palms outward, and I assumed that she was extending them to receive the energy and wisdom from the surrounds. Her body was also shuddering. Her use of the term "convulsing" is close, but not what I would use to describe what I observed. Rather than her body appearing rigid and hyper-extended from an internal abundance of energy, it appeared to me like energy was running through her and causing her body to vibrate. She was very, very absorbed in her experience Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 269 and while I heard her vocalizing, it was not loud enough for me to hear what she was saying. At one point I became concerned that Nancy was cold, as she often gets, and retrieved a blanket from my car to place over her. As a validation of her coherence and lack of physical distress, she spoke clearly to me that she was fine and easily returned to her experience with the source of or within the storm. I was not frightened by what I saw or felt and did not have overpowering somatic sensations; I felt more like a witness to a momentous occasion. While keeping my peripheral vision on Nancy in case she needed or wanted assistance, I was silently thanking the source of this experience for being there and asserted my faith that it was here for the healing of humankind and all aspects and components of our planet. During the previous week I had repeatedly asked for a large, unmistakable demonstration in the form of contact and that I was absolutely READY for it. I had also my "inner communion" throughout the week and audibly to Nancy during our drive to Indiana...that I now welcomed extra-ordinary experiences that would help prepare me for my role in the coming events leading to unavoidable, non-suppressible Full Disclosure. I am grateful to Nancy, Amy, and the rest of our Indiana CSETI group for this profound opportunity to commune with this representative or representatives of the extra-realms. From Jeff: Amy told me that during the storm, she noticed that the lightning seemed slower than usual, especially the horizontal lightning. It seemed like she could see the strikes as they extended. She said that while Nancy was in her trance at one point she said "They're here!" In meditation, Amy said she felt like she was discovering what it felt like to become a winged lion sort of creature. She could feel what it was like to have a snout, ears that could pivot, paws, and other things. Out on the back porch with the guys group I saw an amazing cascade of cloud-to-cloud lightning that crossed most of the visible sky, the likes of which I have never seen before. It was like one strike set off one adjacent to it. This happened very quickly about four times as the lighting spread across the cloud bottoms from east to west. During the rising tone chanting on the meditation CD, I felt like I was flying over the history of our civilization from ancient past to future. I felt like that story was being told in the music somehow as well, including our potentially chaotic future. As we were getting together outside I saw repeat flashes just inside the bottom of the cloud cover, once as I was walking towards the far side of the garden and again after I arrived there. The second time I outlined the flashes with my laser but I don't know if anyone noticed. It was interesting how we got a Paths to Contact 270 convenient period of partly cloudy sky after we gathered, and how quickly the clouds closed up after people saw the streaks. Working Group Outing, July 10, 2010 Finally, some decent weather! The sky was clear, the Milky Way was easily visible, and there were only a few lightning bugs out and about. There were ten of us out under the stars tonight, two for the first time, one was from over four hours away. I asked the ETs a couple of days before to let us get settled in before showing us whatever it was the wished to show us, and that’s how it went. We started with general instructions on directions and how to report events to the group, followed by a group meditation where we set up a column of light from the center of the earth to the heavens, and then added roots to the people of the earth and branches to the civilizations of the universe. Activity followed soon after with many different people reporting streaks, and many confirmations from around the group. Also some flashes. There was a very beautiful meteor in the west-southwest of the sort I have seen before in connection with ET activity that generated oohs and aahs from the group. There were two very bright streaks at the zenith, both from east to west, that generated a similar response. I think most people in the group saw both of these streaks. Nancy and I saw a very bright white flash in the southeast. I passed around my night vision scope with the 8x lens attached so people could see some of how much is out there that you can’t see with the unaided eye. Most were suitably impressed. While Sean was using the scope he saw a couple of streaks. I saw one of them, a short faint streak in the east, and was able to see the direction he was pointing the scope, so I was able to confirm it. I’ve seen similar things through the scope myself on other nights. I don’t know how the ETs figure out where you are looking with the scope, but they seem to be pretty good at it. This outing was at the end of about two weeks of clear weather during which I was out almost every night and saw ET activity of some sort almost every time. I was able to share some of this with my sister when she was visiting, which was very nice. The impression from some members of the group was that this was the most activity we had seen so far in any of our outings. Working Group Outing, August 7, 2010 The weather was perfect tonight. The skies were about as clear and free of haze as they get in southern Indiana, and the temperature was moderate. The only possible improvement would have been fewer hungry mosquitoes. We started with a group meditation to set the mood, set up a beacon, and connect with the people of the earth and the civilizations of the universe. I had to rush a bit because of the Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 271 three mosquitoes probing my arm. I must have missed a spot or two with the bug spray. Things seemed pretty quiet at first. Sean reported at least four streaks, but no one else was seeing anything. I did a bit of recording with my night vision device and caught a couple of interesting events, some of which I didn’t notice at the time because I was trying to avoid using the viewfinder and destroying my night vision. Activity picked up with an alleged satellite making a flash, and other people reporting streaks in various parts of the sky. There was also a nice meteor, one of the Perseids. Nancy had a session with a student of Delores Cannon and during that session she offered to help the group communicate with the ETs. Her ET contact during the session agreed that it was a good idea. I got the feeling that it was time to move to a different activity so I asked Nancy if she was ready to try this. Neither of us really knew how to proceed. We decided to give it a try and see what would happen. We joined hands and gave permission for the communication to happen. For the questions I came up with, the answers were not surprising. Other useful answers were more of a personal nature. Nancy asked “Why are they not showing up tonight?” and received the reply that they want us to learn to use telepathic communication more. I was thinking to ask about who the beings were who were showing us streaks in the sky and saw a north to south streak (the “no” signal). I verbalized the question and Nancy said she didn’t get a response. Her interpretation was that it was because they don’t want us to focus on that aspect; they don’t want to focus on a name or a look or a label. There was a long bright horizontal streak, which we took as a confirmation of Nancy’s interpretation. After this there was a bit more activity in the sky. Ruellen suggested an activity of group singing, each person singing whatever note or notes we felt. As we started, Don saw a big streak over the group. The ETs seemed to approve. After that there were a few other streaks, one seen by many members of the group, and a couple of flashes spotted by Nancy. We also talked about some constellations, such as the Dolphin, and looked at the Andromeda galaxy. Fog rolled in and we decided to call it a night before everything got too damp. After everyone was gone I went outside to thank the ETs and was treated to a brilliant streak followed a little while later by a beautiful alleged meteor, and then a very bright (3x Jupiter in brightness and size) pure white flash. Working Group Outing, September 4, 2010 Ten of us got together to share experiences and have an evening under the stars. It was another brilliantly clear night, and a bit on the chilly side. We hadn’t had much rain here for the last month so the humidity was low for Indiana. There were a surprising number of meteors for a night without a scheduled meteor Paths to Contact 272 shower. The closest is the September Perseids which start September 5th and is considered a minor meteor shower. They came from all directions, not just from the vicinity of Perseus. There was a nice meteor near the eastern horizon that was likely a Perseid. A lot of streaks and flashes were reported, many seen by multiple people. We also saw some whole sky flashes and dark shapes overhead. I asked people to interact with the ETs by requesting things they would like to see and several reported that they felt they had some success with that. Nancy offered to connect and take questions from the group again and we received a number of helpful, uplifting, and humorous responses. Once again we were encouraged to work on our telepathic abilities. Working Group Outing, October 9, 2010 There were eleven of us in the circle. One person was joining us for the first time, and it turned out to be quite an awesome time from the comments he sent later. The outing started with me attempting to explain Kosta’s project for groups around the world asking the ETs for some manifestation of the CSETI logo. This was interrupted by an amazing sequence of interactive flashes, where Nancy flashed twice with her laser and the ETs flashed back twice. This continued with a variety of flashes, some of which were amazingly bright. Fortunately, I had my night-vision video camera ready and captured this event.13 We continued with a meditation to link up with groups around the world and ask for a manifestation of the CSETI logo. There was no obvious response to this. At one point people reported streaks in two different directions in the same area of the sky almost simultaneously, but there was no definite report of a triangle as such. We joined hands and connected with ETs and advanced beings in the universe and Nancy once again answered some questions for us. The night was full of streaks and flashes, many of which were quite bright and obvious, and other alleged satellites growing brighter, dimmer, and flashing. Amy felt her chair shaking as if someone grabbed it and gave it a good shake. Towards the end of the outdoor session we joined hands and asked beings of light to commune with us while Chris took pictures. The intent was to see if we could get some pictures of orbs, and it seems that we were successful. Rio Rico 2010 Conference CSETI held another three day conference in Rio Rico, Arizona in October of 2010. I decided to go since the previous Rio Rico conference had been such an enjoyable experience. Somewhat surprisingly, a lot of rainy weather kept us 13 See or Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 273 inside. We did eventually manage to get outside every evening, but delays were sometimes involved. I had my night vision video rig with me, but because of lots of ambient lighting, the numerous bats in the area were being lit up and were very easy to see in my night vision scope. This made it a bit difficult to distinguish certain ET signals. The first night I saw a few likely signals, but it seemed to be a slow night. It was unclear why, but the ETs seemed reticent about showing themselves. The second night I left my night vision camera off until later in the evening because of intuitive guidance, but then managed to capture a few small streaks on video. There seemed to be some interesting little responses to the ongoing discussion, but nothing dramatic. Late Sunday night after having gone to bed, howling dogs and/or coyotes woke me up, and as I lay there with my eyes closed I saw a tetrahedral ship descending rapidly. It was a flat gray color, like unpolished titanium. I don’t remember anything else about it. Monday night I tried everything I could think of to get the ETs to show something unambiguous to the group. I guess my requests got a bit tiresome for them because during the last meditation I felt a strong presence close in front of me and heard very clearly: “There are more important things than seeing us. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” As I recall, “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” was repeated several times rather forcefully. I was taken aback, but responded in the affirmative because it is certainly true that there are more important things than seeing them, although I didn’t know exactly what this being had in mind. I don’t consider myself particular telepathic, so it is more than a little ironic that the clearest message I have heard was one telling me to be quiet. Anyway, the ETs had some specific reason(s) for not making a big show of it. I did get a number of events on night vision video each night including Monday that would not have been easily visible to the naked eye. Some are clearly not bats, some are a bit ambiguous. A Peace of the Heart Nancy related a story to me about how she met Susan Rawlings at the Psychic fair in Cincinnati. Nancy told her about our group, and about an experience at Mt. Shasta with a rose quartz heart. Susan said that her guides, who are ETs, told her she was to be part of a group called "a peace of the heart.” I asked Susan if it would be okay if we used that name for our group and she said it was okay with her. A few days later, it was relatively clear out so I went outside for a while to “think at the sky.” Eventually I got around to thinking about the name for the group and asked “What do you think about naming the group ‘A Peace of the Heart’? Is that appropriate? I think it is.” Maybe not those exact words, but pretty Paths to Contact 274 close. Immediately there was a very bright flash at the zenith. I couldn’t help laughing. That was a very clear response that I would take as a “yes.” Networking I have been contemplating putting together a larger gathering of people in the area interested in making contact. In order to do that, I decided it would be a good idea to start making connections with people who might be good presenters for such a gathering. I want to keep costs low for the participants, so the notion of using Skype as part of the solution came to mind. In order to test this concept, we decided to set up a series of Skype calls as part of our working group activities for 2011. Nancy arranged most of these meetings for the group. The concept was a great success. In April we talked with Ricky Butterfass14 in Denver who told us about a few of his many experiences. In May we talked with Mary Rodwell in Australia who told us about her work with contactees. Mary Rodwell is the founder of the Australian Close Encounter Research Network (ACERN)15 . In July we talked with Kosta Makreas16 in California about his working group and Global CE-5 Initiative activities. In August, Rainbow Eagle17 , Seventh Fire Peace Shield Teacher came and visited with us and shared some of what he had learned from many tribal elders. In December, we introduced the well-known UFO researcher Stanton Friedman18 to the wonders of Skype, and he shared his thoughts on educating the public about UFOs and many other things. Global CE-5, June 5, 2011 3:10 a.m., It was cloudy and stormy when I went to sleep, but I woke up in the early morning around 3:00 a.m. I went outside on the back porch on the south side of my house. The sky was beautiful and clear with a lovely view of the Milky Way stretching from south to north. I started with a wordless meditation connecting heart to heart with CE-5 groups around the world, and then reaching out to our star friends. I asked that they send love and healing energy to the earth. I then asked if they might give me something to bring back to the global CE-5 group. I saw a very clear repeating flash in the southeast, magnitude -2 or -3, staying on for almost a second and repeating every 3 or 4 seconds. There were six or so flashes, all in the same place, and then they faded out and stopped. I then thanked our star friends for this show of support. 14 See Ricky’s chapter in this book: Earth Ambassador to the Universe 15 See for more about Mary Rodwell’s work with contactees and star children. 16 See Kosta’s chapter in this book: The Global CE-5 Initiative 17 See for more about Rainbow Eagle’s teachings. 18 See for more about Stanton Friedman’s UFO research. Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 275 Working Group Outing, Saturday June 25, 2011 There was a high overcast but there were enough gaps to see some stars so we ventured outside at dusk. The fireflies and mosquitoes were doing their respective things with considerable enthusiasm. Amy spotted a bright light in the north like one she had seen before but it faded away before anyone else got a look. Several of us saw a rather dim (2nd magnitude) repeat flash that started in the NE and moved to the SE. It flashed five or six times at about five second intervals. It was cloudy in that direction so I think it was below the clouds. You couldn't see the lights on airplanes through the clouds. There were a number of “maybe” events to the north, flashes and a dim streak that Amy reported. There was another repeat flash almost directly overhead. It was brighter than the first but still very high. It flashed about three times at a rate that made some people think it might be a highflying lightning bug. It would be the first time I've seen a lightning bug that high. During meditation we made a golden sphere around the group and sent it out into space, and later on invited the ETs to join us in the circle. Later on Nancy reported that as we expanded the sphere around the visiting ETs that she saw (mind’s eye) hundreds of ships. Amy saw the sphere as pink this time, and reported that when we invited the ETs in she heard “already here” repeated several times and saw a shy blue glow. Amy’s Friend in the North On Wednesday June 29, 2011, it was a beautiful clear night again so Amy and I went out to see an ISS flyover and another Iridium flare. Just as we caught sight of ISS, Amy’s friend in the north gave us a big bright long lasting flash. I made a comment about the ISS being “upstaged.” As the ISS flyover proceeded, which was bright and awesome in itself, a “star” appeared in the north. Amy and I both noticed it and then noticed when it was no longer there. As we were waiting for another dim satellite on my Heavens Above Android phone app list, I was talking to Amy about “alleged satellites” I had seen last year and how I planned to use the Heavens Above app to sort out the real satellites. A bright (0 magnitude) alleged satellite moved slowly straight up out of Scorpio in the south and then faded away. It was not on the list. A little while later we were looking north again. Amy saw a flash in Cassiopeia, which was just above the north-northeast horizon. Then there was a bright flash just above Cassiopeia, and another left of that, and another , and then this very strange twin flash with a streak in between that made you think you were seeing cross-eyed. We both said “what was that?!” and talking about it later determined that we both saw it the same way! The flashes continued moving in an arc above us from the north to the west, then curving around to the south, then moving away to the east. We saw at least ten bright flashes all together. We both saw the flashes as relatively close, a disk of light, not a point source. Paths to Contact 276 There were other dim flashes, streaks, and satellites mixed in, too many to remember. At one point Amy felt that they were testing the limits of her perception with dim fast flashes. She also felt they were demonstrating the difference between conventional phenomena and the things they can do. What an incredible evening! On Monday, July 4, 2011, I stepped out to check the sky before going to bed and saw a quick streak followed by a dim but distinct repeat flash moving west to east at about 70 degrees in the southern sky. I called Amy out to look at the setting crescent moon, which was very orange and quite beautiful. We stood out in the driveway a bit and I invited Amy’s friend in the north to visit again. As before, the flashes started in Cassiopeia. This time, instead of moving close and nearly above us, they stayed distant and above the northern horizon. There were about ten flashes at about five second intervals. They moved mainly towards the west for a while then back towards the east before continuing west. The French Connection I met Blaise with the help of the CSETI Coordinator. I told her we were going on a vacation in France and would be interested in meeting somebody there with CSETI experience. Blaise had been to an Ambassador to the Universe training. She provided the introduction, Blaise and I exchanged a number of emails, and we very quickly became friends. Amy and I started our vacation in Paris and arranged to visit with Blaise on our way from Paris to the house where Amy’s family was staying in a small town further west in Normandy. We had a nice long walk and talk in the woods and hit it off right away. Blaise told us that his wife had a dream where she and her sister were in the back yard and saw a UFO. He took that as an indication that we should arrange to have a CE- 5 gathering later in the week. Blaise is French, and his wife and daughter are Japanese. His wife's sister and her daughter, who are also Japanese, were in France for a visit. Several years previous, Blaise moved his family from Japan, where he had been working, back to France. We did the CE-5 in his back yard with his family. Early in the evening, Blaise spent a long time discussing consciousness and UFOs with his wife’s sister and her daughter in Japanese. Neither of them had any previous experience with the subject. Blaise’s wife and daughter were well aware of Blaise’s contacts and healing episodes, and his wife had received intuitive messages and communications via dreams, and also had been given an opportunity to fly a UFO in a dream. For the outdoor session, Blaise invited me to lead a brief meditation and then we settled in to watch the sky. It was partly cloudy but there were sufficient openings between the clouds. The first thing I saw has a slow moving streak in the south. This was followed by a number of satellites and alleged satellites, some Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 277 flashes, and an alleged meteor (vertical streak) that Amy and Blaise’s wife saw. A while later, Amy and Blaise’s sister in law saw a very bright gold hued streak that was in the same part of the sky where I saw the first slow streak. It was getting late so I asked for a repeat flash for a “grand finale” that everyone could see and that’s what we got. It started in the SW and moved in a northerly direction towards the NW flashing every few seconds. The flashes varied considerably in brightness, from -1 or -2 to 2 or 3. Everyone “ooohed” and “aaaahed” for the flashes. It was a fantastic finish to the evening. If that was all that had happened I would have considered the evening a big success, but there’s more! As we were preparing to go outside, I turned on the GPS on my smart phone in order to set the location for the Heavens Above app, and then checked the location on a map app. To my surprise, the location being displayed was in Japan. The location pointer jumped back to our location in France, but when I mentioned what had happened to Blaise and his family, the location pointer jumped back to Japan. I showed this to Blaise and zoomed in, and he said the location was exactly the house in Japan where he lived before moving to France. This phenomenon continued throughout the evening. When I would bring the phone out of sleep mode, it would show the location as Blaise’s house in Japan, and then without me touching the phone at all it would jump back to our location in France. The map displayed the whole time so it was like watching a trip from Japan to France in a few seconds. Everyone had a chance to see this, and everyone was amazed. Also, I had trouble getting accurate GPS fixes in France. The locations displayed for Blaise’s homes in both Japan and France were much more accurate than anything I had been able to achieve before or since. Even after we had finished the outdoor session, my phone would show our location as in Japan at the exact same location as before. I was able to take some pictures of the phone with my camera showing the GPS fix in Japan. Blaise tried GPS on his phone and said that it jumped to a location that was his favorite spot in a nearby forest. The ETs found a unique way to communicate with this group! Working Group and Global CE-5 Outing, July 30, 2011 It was a big group this evening with several people joining us for the first time, eleven total including yours truly. The evening started with a brief Skype talk with Kosta Makreas who discussed how he got started in CSETI and how what we are doing fits into the big picture. After that, Rima, a student of Dolores Cannon, guided Nancy into contact with a spiritual leader from the inner earth (!) who had some messages for the group. When we set up outside, the sky was almost solid overcast with single stars occasionally peeking out through holes in the cloud cover. After giving people a chance to settle in, I led a guided meditation where we connected with all of the other CE-5 groups around the world, then to all of the ET civilizations of the Paths to Contact 278 galaxy, and then to all of the people of earth. We also visualized love and positive energy pouring in from the ET civilizations to the earth through the connections we had created. When I ended the meditation I looked up and said “Well, look at that.” A big hole had opened up in the clouds directly above our group and we could easily see a sizeable patch of stars. The clouds continued to shift, but we always had a clear view of part of the sky for the rest of the evening. Early on, we saw a sequence of flashes towards the ESE. The flashes were first and second magnitude, not super bright, but unmistakable. Over the next hour or so there were a number of alleged meteors, some of which may have been streaks by ET craft, but it was difficult to be certain. There were also a number of isolated flashes (flashbulbs) spotted by various people around the circle, some with confirmation. Just before it was time to break for the night, there was another sequence of flashes towards the north, with several first or second magnitude flashes and one particularly bright flash that was -1 or -2 magnitude. Overall, a pretty good result for a new mix of people. Learning to Fly I was out the evening of August 8, 2011, looking at the stars, as is my habit on clear nights, contemplating Rainbow Eagle's book and his upcoming visit. I saw a bright flash off to the left (east northeast) and then a second brilliant flash near where the first had been. I remembered to count the flashes this time, often I do not. I saw an alleged satellite moving to the right from where the first flashes had been. I was wondering if the “satellite” itself would flash, but instead the flashes trailed the satellite by a small distance. I counted seven flashes in all and then the alleged satellite faded out and the flashes stopped. The number seven appears repeatedly in The Universal Peace Shield of Truths, and Rainbow Eagle is a Seventh Fire Peace Shield Teacher. Make of it what you will. I stepped out onto the back porch late on August 19, 2011. It was very foggy out with only a few of the brightest stars visible through the fog. There was a bit of a gap between the ground and the fog, or you could call it very low clouds, scraping the tree tops. I saw a big long bright streak from the zenith heading due south in and mostly below the fog. There was visible width to the disk of light, perhaps half the size of the full moon, and it was completely silent. It turned off suddenly somewhere above the house behind ours. A little while later off to the northwest there was a diagonal streak (upper left to lower right) in and mostly on the near side of the fog. This was also wide and bright and was unique (to me) in that it started out bright, went suddenly dark, then bright again. Kind of a dashdash effect: So, that’s my story. I only know what I have seen. I don’t have all the answers. My purpose is simply to make you aware that there is more out there than Interactions with Extraterrestrials  Jeff Becker 279 you may have been considering. You will have to work out the deeper meaning of all of this for yourself. I understand that this can be a reality changer for many people, and not easy to accept. For those of you with similar experiences, I encourage you to speak out. I welcome any serious questions or comments. It’s time to for the people of earth to grow up and join the galactic community. It’s a big universe and the earth is a tiny speck next to a tiny star in a galaxy 100,000 light years wide made up of billions of stars, which is itself a tiny speck in a universe with countless billions of galaxies in it. Somewhere out there civilizations have learned what it takes for intelligent beings to live in harmony, and they are having a hard time understanding why we don’t get it. I had a very clear dream so long ago I can’t place it in time. It’s the most memorable dream I’ve ever had. I was standing in an open area, a park or a field, and the sky was full of spaceships of all sorts of different shapes and sizes. They were moving in a stately fashion, not too fast, not too slow. I remember noticing that they had no wings and no exhaust and concluding that they must be using some sort of force field to stay aloft and move. I zoomed into the sky for a closer look (it was a dream, after all). I’ve talked to other people who have described similar dreams. I hope this is a preview of things to come, perhaps in our lifetime – a celebration, a welcoming party, the day Earth joins the other star nations as a peaceful galactic civilization. Jeff Becker


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