Health Mind, Soul, and Body

               Like any machine your body is made up of different systems all which are dependant on each body system operating in perfect symbiosis and balance for optimum health of the individual .  The mind and soul plays a key issue in the condition of the body. The mind set and attitude is 90% of everything we experience and carry with in the mind and soul of our being.

               The fact is a lot of our perception of what good health is based on our own social programming and upbringing.  Growing up with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder I was taught good health by my mom and how to eat balanced meals and have an active life. There are some key factors in developing healthy lifestyle patterns which start with a positive self image and a positive outlook on life.

The key to that is keep a positive mental image and take life’s problems as challenges to be overcome.   Failing to overcome a challenge in life is only not exploiting all the avenues to do so and taking all the risks involved to do so. 

You are your worst judge so stop judging yourself unworthy of being loved or accepted.  Accept yourself as your are and see yourself as you want to be.  Then do what you deem necessary to make it so and to make others around you want to initiate positive change. 

This doe not mean chase every fad diet craze if you think you are overweight and destroy your confidence/ self image.   If you are female over 35 and have had children there is no realistic way to say you can return to the supermodel you were at 18.  So instead exercise and keep a balanced diet.  Never eat if you are depressed to fill an unfulfilled void in your life.  Keep in mind you are letting an external incident control your actions like a marionette and Positive change comes from within your mind and soul.  When you know in your mind and soul that you are going to live healthier by eating

So what is my definition of healthy eating?  Simple first rule eat when you are hungry and if you have a day where you are not hungry snack lightly when you are not.  This does not mean get a big bag of candy or bonbons and snack on them. I am talking peanuts, bananas, tea, and trail mix with chex cereal, Granola, fruit bars, and say away from diet drinks or foods with aspartame in them. 42 oz of diet drinks with aspartame in them is equal to taking four long shots of methyl alcohol which is what aspartame is converted into in the body and in the evening hours can be attributed to hang over like effects.

Do not use Atkins or fad diets as they deprive your body of nutrients and affect your cardiovascular system which was the primary reason for Dr. Atkins heart attack.  They also affect you body metabolism like fasting and the fastest mussel tissue for your body to absorb for nutrients is internal muscle    Exercise daily with an support team and this means just as Physical training in the military is important daily so is it in civilian life as well.

Use rice in china four cups of rice is used by the average person in a day and that mixed with fresh vegetables, sliced chicken breast or two boneless pork chops works just fine, spices and a shot or two of soy sauce works great.   Eat fruit to help your body get the nutrients it needs ,for instance,  Navel oranges ward off colds during the winter seasons and raisins ward off muscle pain.

  Bananas are good for on the run snacks and so are baby carrots. Try to avoid eating on the run if you can sit down a pub or an restaurant do so.  This allows you to relax then hit the job again and if you do stop in at the local pub at your lunch hour don’t drink alcohol and order light. This avoids any problems or impairments with work later and helps you maintain a healthy nutrient level in your blood stream. 

               The best advice about alcohol I can give, is don’t drink in excess or to a point where you are no longer able to use good judgment and go from intelligent person to a fool.  A glass of wine as you dine is fine and two is for me and you to digest the meal and spin our tale is all well.  Three or four then out the door to away from others for one may say things about their mothers and forget the offense.

               The point is anything that impairs your judgment has effects on your health and requires you to heavily regulate it because it is highly addictive psychologically.  Smoking is something to stay away from as it cause way to many health problems.  I am watching an uncle of mine die from it so I see it first hand and having emphysema and other cancer problems is not worth the effects of nicotine.

Sex falls into same category as other addictive activities and unregulated can have devastating side effects psychologically, spiritually, and physically.  Not to mention unexpected pregnancy and children neither person may be ready for.  

So the key is regulating everything and keep it in balance and I will admit my only vice is caffeine and I regulate that with work.  Stay active, take hikes, go swimming in the creek, it is o.k. to climb a rock or a tree because it is there.  When we were kids most of us were at least 50% more active than what we are now and why don’t we still do that.  Because when we got cars we drove around acting like we would never have to ride a bike or run to catch a football again.

Being conformable with the kid in you is essential to living a long life and it is o.k. to take risks like Water skiing, boating, hiking, rock climbing. And finding other hobbies you like.  Learn and never stop your quest for learning and read.  Learn that it is o.k. to stop and smell the roses.

 Listen to music that uplifts your sprit and stay away from that which depresses your sprit or makes you feel oppressed.   Listen to your own inner self and the child within understand it sometimes still is experiencing loss even if you have consciously moved on.  This can effect your health long term and it is better to diffuse an internal time bomb and eliminate the unrest between your conscious and subconscious. If you are uncomfortable in a situation seek to change it for the better subtle changes work.

Also be aware of subtle changes in your body’s bladder habits, sores that don’t go away, unusual bleeding or discharge, thickening of the breast or lump in the breast or elsewhere, indigestion or difficulty swallowing, obvious changes in wart or mole, and nagging cough or hoarseness. Most of theses are signs of very serious conditions and should be treated by a medical doctor and should be taken to the nearest doctor or to the Emergency room if severely debilitating.

The key is not to allow your body to be come in that condition in the first place. A key to good health is a good outlook on life. Do not worry over little things or over what the other person thinks about you. In reality you have little control over that and they have the control on how they choose to react to things.  Instead, plan ahead for challenges in life and aggressively hunt them down and overcome them.

This is where you use anger transferal and aim it in a positive way to solve a challenge. Define, identify and isolate the challenge. Then find every avenue to change the situation until you do so.  Write in your daily journal strategies you have used to overcome challenges in you day to day life and if they were effective. This allows you to come up with more effective strategies that will allow you to overcome your day to day challenges.

Never transfer the responsibility for the results of your actions.  Theses are yours alone and the responsibility lies on you alone to correct them or exploit them to the advantage of everyone.  Be patient and calculating in your actions so others around you will help you in making them turn out to a positive gain for them and you.

In reviewing my own health at 34 yeas of age and being a male.  I can say it is better than good and that is because I take care of my body and it takes care of me.  I do not smoke or drink alcohol unless it is with a meal and water is not available.  I don’t drink alcohol to get drunk and that is because wise men turn to fools when the alcohol makes them drool.

I have liked hiking, walking in the forest and swimming since I was a child and still enjoy it today.  Walking is fun and it gets me where I need to go.   Moderation is a key in life and keeping a balanced life is essential to good health.


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